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Innovation Community Como-Ticino per l'innovazione d'impresa
Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to promote the development and competitiveness of the cross-border territory Province of Como and the Canton Ticino, leveraging both technological innovation business as a primary tool for achieving the above objectives in developed countries and high labor costs, which are now Italy and Switzerland. In particular, the project aims to create a single, organic and sustainable communities cross-border co-called Innovation Community Como Ticino brings together companies, universities, research centers and technology centers located on both sides of the Swiss-Italian border, with the aim to become the benchmark for the economic system and Como Ticino. / Il progetto mira a promuovere lo sviluppo e la competitivita del territorio transfrontaliero della Provincia di Como e del Canton Ticino, utilizzando la leva dell'innovazione sia tecnologica sia di business in quanto strumento principale per raggiungere gli obiettivi citati in paesi evoluti e a elevato costo della manodopera, quali sono oggi l'Italia e la Svizzera. In particolare, il progetto intende creare un'unica, organica e duratura comunita di collaborazione transfrontaliera denominata Innovation Community Como-Ticino che riunisca in sé le imprese, le universita, i centri di ricerca e i poli tecnologici localizzati su entrambi i lati del confine italo-svizzero, con l'obiettivo di divenire punto di riferimento per il sistema economico comasco e ticinese Achievements: The project promoted development and competitiveness of cross-border area in order to make it a benchmark for the local economic system through the innovation and the creation of a cross-border community including private companies, universities, research centres and technology hub, both Italian and Swiss. Main achievements were: 1. Organization of 13 events intended to encourage cooperation among private companies, universities and research centres; 2. Services to 19 private companies (project, business plan, development strategies); 3. Issuance of two tenders for feasibility studies.
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  • 58.3%   804 803,60
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Switzerland (IT-CH)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants