Search for European Projects

16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background The European Union has a set of objectives and policies to mitigate climate change and to shift towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient economy. These objectives require the involvement of all European stakeholders with the support of national policymakers. The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) has led to the development ...
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Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities (ALTERENERGY)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The ALTERENERGY Strategic Project aims to provide a significant contribution to the widely agreed objective of achieving a higher level of sustainability with regards to energy production and usage in the Adriatic area. This objective is strictly connected, as we all know, to creating a better environment and the protection of life and the natural environment. In pursuing this overall general obje ...
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Both in Lebanon and Jordan the increase in the domestic and industrial water demands has led to a significant reduction of water available for irrigation purposes. This is a key issue for such countries in which agriculture accounts for 80% of the water use although it is not the sole problem: the aquifers are overexploited, the use of environmental-friendly irrigation methods is still limited and ...
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The EU territory has an enormous under-valorised natural asset: marginal terrains (exhausted landfills, mines & quarries, brownfields & contaminated terrains, former military sites, etc). The project aims at re-qualifying marginal areas through investments programmes that focus on the installation of RES (PV, Wind, Biomass, geothermal, biogas, etc) that will contribute to a significant amount of r ...
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EFFECT proposal arises from the need to innovate SEE countries public procurement procedures and stimulate their integration with energy efficiency criteria to meet EU Public Procurement requirements and to contribute to achieve Eu energy strategy objectives. EU public procurement impacts for 16% on EU GDP and it is an important tool for public authorities to effectively address energy efficiency ...
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ENERMED - Mediterranean Renewable Energies (ENERMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

Enermed aims to coordinate and improve the regional policies of renewable energies (RE), through: -shared instruments for the analysis of projects and policies RE -development of common policies in the RE -common experiences in the RE We will develop and implement: -a transnational (common) methodological and strategic framework -a database of good practices on regional policies -concrete p ...
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Project aims at improving and address territorial governance of Med rural areas towards sustainability through an innovative integrated planning model (PM) comprising: integrated social, economic, environmental analysis assessment of institutional framework and review of success governance modes establishment of communities participation process definition of 4 strategic pilot plan patterns and ...
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In South East Europe the introduction of innovative processes characterized by the transfer, experimentation and consolidation of know-how related to the use and production of energy following a good planning and employing the appropriate management methods is a way to improve the energy balance. The aim of the ENER-SUPPLY project is to assist the local territories towards this direction through t ...
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Background The environmental impacts of power generation from fossil fuels are widely recognised. The wider environmental gains of renewable energy are also well documented. The Greek commitment under the 1998 Kyoto Protocol agreement is to limit the increase of its greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008 to 2012 to 25% over 1990 levels (this trans ...
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Training for a new energy source : The project provides a distance learning package with an interactive CD-ROM and a web portal for communication. These materials will be used for training hybrid power system designers and operators. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The project „Interactive Learning of Energetic Utilisation of Agricultural Products and By-products (ILEAP) aims at developing e-learning materials on the topic of renewable energy sources and bioenergy production. The target groups are households, entrepreneurs, farmers, agribusiness professionals, consultants, actors responsible for sustainable energy planning at local and national level (munici ...
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The project seeks to define the content of Energy Management Technician studies. The proposal is based on the rise and the current and future need of energy saving all over the world, and mainly in Europe. This is a cross-training along other professions: electric installers, heater installers, technicians in refrigeration, renewable energies, etc. The project intends to contribute to the establis ...
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The objective of the project is to develop and provide online e-learning resources for current and future employees in, or working alongside, the aquatic renewable energy sector. The e-learning modules will focus on aquatic renewable energy technologies enabling the comparison of the procedures and environmental framework for setting up offshore wind, wave, tidal stream or onshore hydro renewable ...
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Public buildings are considered as a key component towards the development of future smart cities for the following reasons: - The public sector must play a leading-by-example role in formulating energy efficient cities. - The efficiency of public services depends on workers' productivity which is directly affected by indoor comfort and air quality conditions. Measures to ensure the latter elevate ...
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Over the recent years it has become clear that an essential requisite for future growth & competitiveness in the European agro-food industry (in which SMEs represent 99% of the sector, with consequent high strategy fragmentation) are not only the investments in global network of commodities & distribution channels but also to extend the paradigm of sustainability in the food processing from the bi ...
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Coherently with general object 1.1 -Strengthening innovation capacities-� WIDER aims to contribute to the identification and strengthening of innovation capacities, knowledge management and networking of Mediterranean SMEs in order to reinforce their position in the energy sector and to increase their potential at transnational level. Indeed, WIDER aims at improving and sharing knowledge managemen ...
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