Search for European Projects

11 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Refugees in vocational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Context and background of the projectThe number of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and other European countries is increasing. This challenge requires different instruments for fostering their long-term integration, because it cannot be expected that they will be able to get back in their home-countries in the nearer future. Mainly instruments are focused on the satisfaction of basic needs ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

A lot of the European countries have a long history of welcoming migrants in their societies starting from the post-war period and until today, and a lot of valuable experience has been gained through exploring different approaches for inter-cultural communication and integration into their cultures. However, there is no singular “migrant culture” and trying to integrate people with migratory back ...
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Regional Networks for Quality in Vocational Mobility

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The REMO project is established in front of a VET policy background covering 4 crucial issues in European VET policy: 1) ET 2020: mobility of learners and staff as well as quality in education are two core issues stipulated in the ET 2020 strategy of the European Commission and huge efforts are required to improve the situation in initial VET mobility on quantitative and qualitative level. On qua ...
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SALE Yourself makes a difference. Although the number of higher education graduates is the highest in history, the unemployment rate among this target group is as high as never before. In Europe we are currently facing unemployment rates among higher education graduates between 14% and 22% which means that the potential of around one fifth of the highest educated people in Europe cannot exploit th ...
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The project addresses 3 key areas in learning and social history:- The application of formal and informal learning in order to reach the widest range of students, including those excluded by traditional methods.- The inclusion of older "skill based" craftmasters in learning groups to encourage the passing on of skills through informal techniques, whilst they absorb ICT and other competencies.- Rel ...
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Reason for the project:- To promote and develop older people’s capacity to continue working and learning foras long as they want and to make a contribution after they retire.- To understand and overcome the barriers and difficulties in getting older populations tovalue and share their existing knowledge; to engage with contemporary learningmethods and to develop their skills to better engage in th ...
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The project, based on the experience acquired during a previous Grundtvig project, willproduce a training/educational course that will enable teachers and educators atEuropean level to use the same training methodology. This methodology is found in theCPD course. A transnational association was set up in order to spread the developmentof such a course and the results of the project. To be a member ...
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LEARNING FROM SUCCESS aims to create a practical training instrument, which based upon existing European good practice will contribute to the professional qualification of an increasing number of young people wishing to become local development agents and will further develop the knowledge, skills and competencies of those currently working in this field. Further activity will focus upon the devel ...
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Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.Sechs ProjektpartnerInnen haben folgende Produkte entwickelt:- Seminar "Einkommensgerechtigkeit in der Berufsorientierung" für TrainerInnen, LehrerInnen, MultiplikatorInnen (3 Tage)-Equal Pay-Quiz "Was verdient ihr eigentlich" undFolder "Es ist ...
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The target was to adapt, transfer and optimise an already existing innovative modular vocational training course to the professional circumstances of CDWs. Through this training programme, CDWs targeted by the project are now able to manage better their daily work-life “projects” according to modern project management standards by applying appropriate methods and instruments.The core training prog ...
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Fashion plays an extremely important role in the lives of most juveniles and young adults. Peer groups create an intrinsic net of open or hidden requirements for the individual, and only persons with a high self-esteem and self-conscience dare to negate the dictate of fashion. For low income persons, the inability to equip oneself with all the “must have” very often leads to frustration and to a f ...
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