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20 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The world is facing an unprecedented displacement crisis. Today, almost 60 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of violent conflicts and natural disasters. By end of February 2016, over 1.1 million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to Europe either escaping conflict and serious threats in their country or in search of better economic prospec ...
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Video Systems in Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Video learning systems can be an important element in the development of the European educational system. However It takes specialist skills to develop and implement a video learning strategy and most schools have a lack of knowledge and information on video learning systems. The ViSE project will produce an interactive guidebook on implementation of video learning systems, Massive Open and Onlin ...
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Workplacement VI - Berufspraktikum im Ausland

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The commercial schools of BFI Wien offer vocational commercial training in three-year (HAS) or four years (HAK) courses and evening classes.For nearly 20 years, the schools of BFI Wien pursue an interntationalisation agenda for business education through the initiative "CROSSOVER" which consists of a partnership between the schools of the BFI with schools in Bratislava (Slovakia), Brno (Czech Repu ...
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Adults Acquiring Digital Skills

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

In Digi4Adults, Adults Acquiring Digital Skills (Erasmus+ K2), there are five adult learning organisations in the partnership, two of which provide vocational adult education i.e. Tampere Adult Education Centre (Finland) and BFI Wien, Vocational Training Institute Vienna (Austria) and three of which basic and secondary adult education i.e. VUC Storstrøm (Denmark), Sundsvalls Kommun Adult Education ...
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Our project aims to raise awareness and knowledge about the quality assurance for vocational training, investigate the best practice samples related to EQAVET applications and networks, prepare more predictable program for the practices and programs to be performed in the future with vocational training assurance in our province and develop the collaborative works. It is also aimed to raise awaren ...
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...d also to refresh the managers in vocational education and the teachers. In this project, the project owner, Ankara Chamber of Industry vocational and Technical Anatolian high school, and the host, Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien- BFI are going to serve commonly. Ten participant from our school are going to receive a five day training from our host partner in Wien, and also they are going to make ob ...
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Yaratıcı Öğretme Metodlarının Kazandırılması

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

THE IMPROVEMENT OF CREATIVE TEACHING METHODS Gaining the Creative Teaching Method 'at our project,' 'Davultepe Vocational and Technical High School' s working culture and professional skills of teachers and school administrators that takes place consists of 16 person. Our mobility will be held for12 mounth 01 /12/2016- ; 01/12/2016 between 01/09/2016 and 12/09/2016 date BFI- Austria or Vocational ...
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Context/background: The context of the Skillstube project is the implementation of the ECVET principles of precise descriptions of Learning Outcomes (LOs) structured into units. Even though descriptions of LOs are highly precise through differentiating them into specifications of Competences, Knowledge and Skills, however this form of competence documentation may still fail to capture tacit knowle ...
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...ed group of young adults. They often have no teacher's graduation and have never been trained for educating unemployed young people. Project partners: Savaria Szakképzés-fejlesztési Kft. (Hungary) Berufsförderungsinstitut (BFI) Wien (Austria) Ce.S.F.Or. Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento (Italy) NGi (UK) Limited (United Kingdom) LEED Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary) Partners are training centres, or or ...
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For the last fifteen years there has been an educational initiative called CROSSOVER between the business schools of bfi Wien and schools in Bratislava (Slovakian Republic), Brno (Czech Republic) and Györ and Székesfehérvár (Hungary) which deals with the disappearing borders and contacts between young people. Furthermore, a cross-border, multilingual magazine with the same name, in which the joint ...
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This project is a mobility project for VET learners, which has been prepared by Pasinler Vacational High School and will be carried out with the partnerships of Kars Haydar Aliyev Vacational High School and Erzurum Kazım Karabekir Vacational High School. 11th and 12th grade students, studying at the departments of metal technology and motor vehicles in these schools. 20 students from each school, ...
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We have received news that adopted by our project. Project leader Kayseri Erciyes Vocational and Technical High School (MTAL) on 21.09.2015 with local partners (addition: The project correspondence) held a meeting. The project management team and executive team and created the calendar activities. Management Team 3 school Principal, and Assistant Headmaster of the executive committee and president ...
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AbbrecherInnen mittlerer Schulen ohne Schul- abschluss haben keine Chancen am Arbeitsmarkt und die Quote der Schul- abbrecherInnen des ungarischen Projektpartners ist mit 20-30 % außerordentlich hoch. In Ungarn hat es das bisherige System der Berufsbildung nicht geschafft, die SchülerInnen optimal auf ihren Beruf vorzubereiten. Gleichzeitig beklagen sich die Arbeitgeber über den Mangel an geeignet ...
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Modellprogramm zur Hospizbetreuung entlang der Grenze (NARCISZ)

Start date: Feb 28, 2013, End date: Aug 30, 2014,

Krankheitsverläufe im Alter haben sich in den letzten Jahren verändert. Viele alte Menschen kommen in immer schlechterem Zustand ins Pflegeheim. Die Bewohner/innen haben mehrere unheilbare Erkrankungen, die palliative Betreuung auf der Ebene der Medizin (Pflege), der therapeutischen und spirituellen Begleitung vom ersten Tag der Betreuung verlangen. Das bedeutet für die MitarbeiterInnen Herausford ...
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Ausbau des Sozialnetzes entlang der Grenze (TÁMASZ)

Start date: Oct 31, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2013,

Jede Familie kommt einmal in die schwierige Situation entscheiden zu müssen, ob ein altes oder krankes Familienmitglied lieber zu Hause gepflegt wird oder doch besser in einer Sozialeinrichtung aufgehoben ist. Viele fühlen sich mit der Betreuung von pflegebedürftigen Angehörigen oft überfordert, da die Pflege meist mit einer Änderung der gewohnten Lebensführung einhergeht und viel Zeit und Geld in ...
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In this project we developed innovative training in the field of professional orientation to meet specific needs for intercultural skills for trainers, advisers, social workers and contact persons to enterprises who are in direct contact with immigrants.The following products were developed:A modular training programme divided into face-to-face and blended learning units and project work consistin ...
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E-Commerce training opens doors to labour market : The project offers comprehensive E-Commerce information and training for the unemployed, providing them with a new outlook for work options. It has developed complex training methods and launched a pilot training programme. The online shop has been launched, giving trainees the opportunity to put into practice their theoretical knowledge.The outco ...
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Improved qualifications in the tourism sector : The material produced by this initiative will provide a new qualification for workers in the tourism sector and, at the same time, a network amongst those active in the sector throughout Europe will be created. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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February 2015 UpdateAlthough the European project finished at the end September 2014, all project partners continue to promote the project. All partners intend to, or have already, run additional iterations of the social media training / work placement programme. In the UK, the project is now in its fourth iteration, with more 30 learners having completed the programme already. Across the partn ...
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Electronic commerce is a fast growing field of business, in the future it is forecasted to cultivate even faster that is why it is flattering a new-fangled ground of occupation, a source for job creation and prospect for economic growth. The vocational measures, recent surveys and job advertisements have revealed that there is progressive demand both for e-Commerce activities and for employees wit ...
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