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Workplacement VI - Berufspraktikum im Ausland
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The commercial schools of BFI Wien offer vocational commercial training in three-year (HAS) or four years (HAK) courses and evening classes.For nearly 20 years, the schools of BFI Wien pursue an interntationalisation agenda for business education through the initiative "CROSSOVER" which consists of a partnership between the schools of the BFI with schools in Bratislava (Slovakia), Brno (Czech Republic), Györ and Székesfehérvár (Hungary). CROSSOVER serves as a platform for cross-border projects with the objective of making the students aware of the transnational economic potential of the Centrope region, enabling personal encounters and getting to know the neighbouring countries. Under the initiative CROSSOVER a multilingual newsletter of the same name is produced, which periodically reports on the joint activities with the partner schools.The mobility project "Work Placement: new forms of international cooperation between schools and businesses" aims to provide the students an opportunity to carry out internships in the Centrope region with the following objectives:1. Practical application of training content in companies (acquisition of technical skills)2. Acquisition of foreign experience3. Expansion of personal skills (independence, self-assertion in a new professional environment)4. Extension of language skills5. Consideration of European career options6. Extension of social and intercultural competences, reduction of prejudices, discovery of own European identityThe target participants are 45 school students from the third to the fifth grade of the upper secondary commercial education stream (HAK), the third grade of lower secondary commercial education stream (HAS) and third grade of complementary HAK degree course for HAS graduates (Aufbaulehrgang). Participants will be in the age range from 17 to 23 years (depending on their course) and will have a good working knowledge (business, IT and languages) as well as good communication and management theoretical knowledge.Activities of the project will consist in two periods of mobility in the summer months of 2016 and 2017, during which students will each attend three-week summer internships in companies in the Centrope region. Before starting the internships, participating students will be thoroughly prepared. Learning outcomes will be agreed in advance with the companies, specifically addressed in the course of the internship and eventually evaluated / documented as part of formal recognition (Euro Pass Mobility).In the preparatory phase, work in small groups, individual work and language courses will be used. During the internship students will be involved in specific business projects and processes and will get adequate support and guidance by the receiving companies.In result, the students will enhance their competences (technical, organizational, linguistic, intercultural, personal and computer-related) and thus their profile for future job applications, develop interest for cross-border careers and strengthen their European identity.The longer-term benefits for the participating companies will be a better understanding of the skills and competences of prospective new recruits (i.e. potential new employees from among Austrian labour market entrants), a knowledge transfer of national business particularities, and a chance to develop new transnational business ideas.The activities and results of the project will be disseminated through various media (newsletter, online reports, reports in print media, Facebook, information events).

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