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You. Promote Business

February 2015 UpdateAlthough the European project finished at the end September 2014, all project partners continue to promote the project. All partners intend to, or have already, run additional iterations of the social media training / work placement programme. In the UK, the project is now in its fourth iteration, with more 30 learners having completed the programme already. Across the partnership, which includes organisations from the UK, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Austria and Romania, more than 100 participants have completed the programme. Outcomes for learners have been excellent, with a significant proportion entering employment, self-employment or training on completion.Below is a summary of activities undertaken during the timeframe of the European project (Oct 2014 - Sep 2014):1. Conducted a data collection exercise in each country. The aim of the data collection exercise was to understand the kind of training that young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) require, and to understand the needs of small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with regard to social media and online promotion.2. Created a 'fusion' model that combines the two existing programmes together. The two innovators (Italian and Norwegian partners), supported by the partnership, worked together to combine their respective models into a single 'fused' model. In practice, this meant combining an intensive social media promotion training course with a multiple work placement programme for young people.3. Adapted New Programme Specification to Local Context. Each of the partners adapted the new programme specification to the needs of their local markets. This involved activities such as understanding the local qualification and curriculum framework, and liaising with the local employment service.4. Piloted the adapted model. From September 2013, each partner country implemented a pilot project of the new programme. During the pilot phase, 68 learners completed the programme across the partnership, in addition to scores of learners who did not complete the programme but achieved a positive outcome as a result of YouPro.5. In Summer 2014, the partnership worked to improve the programme specification on the basis of our experiences and feedback from target groups. We also ramped up dissemination activities and held the main project dissemination event in Nottingham in September 2014.

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5 Partners Participants