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With the Recommendation 18 december 2006 European Union has identified 8 Key Competences for lifelong learning: a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for self realization and delf development, inclusion, activie citizenship and employability. Several countries have embedded the Key Competences framework in the school reforms, starting a change of paradigm that integrates the ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

T he FORMAZIONE project, promoted by "Ferrante Aporti" Cooperativa Sociale,in collaboration with partners, is the result of a careful analysis of the Apulia region and overall of southern Italy .It has been found, a great acceleration of the economic crisis, often caused the lack of social inclusion for those individuals with special needs arising from a situation of social, family, economic disad ...
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Transnational ENhancement of ECOPORT8 network  (TEN_ECOPORT)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

In the recent years the ports are the hub-point of the Core Regional Transport Networks, as precursors for the TEN-T comprehensive network in the South East Europe. In this direction, a great responsibility was entrusted to the port authorities: they are the authority appointed for the Control and the real application of the Environmental Manage System, being the nodes that ensure the environmenta ...
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City-Port Eco Logistic (CiELo)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Jul 1, 2014,

CIELO will deploy specific actions to provide a detailed analysis of the problems related to accessibility; studying the modalities to enhance the interconnection between city’s “hotspots” (ports, railway stations, airport, etc). CIELO will provide a guidance for accessibility management, with regard to sustainability of urban mobility, promoting innovative instruments to ease the city links and t ...
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...r implementation • Design of innovative models for mobility management:1 plan for urban freight mobility management in Bari; 3 drafts of executable designs for mobility information systems (Bari, Brindisi, Patras); 1 plan for the integration of mobility services in Corfu • Creation of 2 e-services (logistics information services) to promote accessibility • Implementation of pilot applications of p ...
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LOC PRO II project is the continuation of the successful LOC PRO I project, which was completed under the previous GR-IT INTERREG program. The main objective concerns the support of entrepreneurs & enterprises producing local typical quality products, in such a manner that achieves a high degree of ICT integration in the everyday work and the use of modern marketing tools & techniques. This aim wi ...
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The project aims at highlighting the area’s identity emphasizing the cultural and local products, promoting the traditional Mediterranean Gastronomy as a tourist and cultural element in an effort to strengthen local economies, through the following actions: • Recording of common and different gastronomic habits of regions focused on fish and common traditional products; • Documenting the history i ...
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Sustainable coast MOBility in the ADRIatic area (ADRIMOB)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna, Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres, Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in ...
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Adriatic Economic Cluster Club (Cluster Club)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovation’s possibility of territorial and productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of cluster’s system, in particular the creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research, consumers and potential products and serv ...
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Implementing Seaplanes System in Adriatic Basin (ADRI-SEAPLANES)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

ADRI-SEAPLANES aim is to create the best conditions for the set up of stable connections through a common seaplane system. The Adriatic areas of Italy, Greece, Albania, Croatia and Montenegro, in fact, even if very closed in terms of nautical miles, are linked only through the maritime system and not by direct air connections. This condition allows only the reach of the countries involved with a l ...
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Cities Actions for Sustainable Housing (CASH)

Start date: Jul 18, 2010, End date: Jan 18, 2013,

Sustainable renovation of housing stocks with a view to reduce energy consumption in existing buildings Achievements: Documents/reports:CASH URBACT Local Support Groups Presentation (FR)20/01/2015CASH URBACT Local Support Group Presentation (EN)20/01/2015CASH Kick Off M ...
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Model driven Soil Probing, Site Assessment and Evaluation (ModelPROBE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

Conventional techniques for site characterization are time consuming, cost intensive, and do not support decision making. Therefore, new techniques for step by step site characterization strategy with smart feed back loops are necessary. These will be able to support a future “soil framework directive”. Advanced geophysical site characterization techniques combined with new types of vegetation ana ...
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Mediterranean Technology Led Incubator Co-Operation (MEDI-CUBE)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2009,

The project MEDI-CUBE is addressing the problem of relatively low performance of target areas in innovation capacity compared to Northern European member states. The innovation index for Greece is 0.20, for Cyprus is 0.17, for Italy is 0.31 comparing to EU-15 which is 0.44 (source European Innovation Scoreboard 2004 Comparative Analysis of Innovation Performance). The project aims at enhancing the ...
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Protection of coastal habitats in pSCI Torre Guaceto (HABI.COAST)

Start date: Jan 1, 2006, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

...bout a loss of priority habitats and the deterioration of forest ecosystems. Although the area is classified as a State Nature Reserve, it is located along a coastal stretch, which the inhabitants of Brindisi and surroundings use frequently for beach leisure activities. Within the framework of a previous LIFE Environment project concluded in August 2004 (LIFE00 ENV/IT/000090), the area obtained s ...
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The project Med.In.Tra.D.E. aims at: 1. Identifying politics of integration and optimization of existing passenger and goods transport, logistics systems and services as well as inter-modal junctions in the lower Adriatic and South-east Mediterranean, focusing on traffic among Southern Italy, Greece and Turkey. 2. Promoting concrete and operative actions that will create synergy among transport sy ...
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The project Fish Tourism aims to implement in a pilot scale a fishtourism & ichthyotourism project in Greece utilising Italian experience & know-how. Fishermen and other stakeholdes will have an alternative activity, aiming to provide an alternative occupation and reduce and control the fishing effort in nature and subsequently reduce the pressure of the natural stocks. The socio-economic fabric o ...
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Adriatico Meridionale & Jonio Wet Lat System (AM.JO.WE.L.S.)

Start date: Sep 30, 2005, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

L’obiettivo generale del progetto e la creazione di un network che abbia come riferimento geografico il sistema delle zone umide costiere dell’Adriatico meridionale e dello Ionio. Achievements: La creazione di un “sistema costiero integrato adriatico-albanese” ha perm ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

L'obiettivo progettuale delle Camere di Commercio di Brindisi, di Valona e di Durazzo è quello di agevolare "l'internazionalizzazione" delle PMI brindisine ed albanesi coinvolte. L`attività progettuale garantisce un aggiornamento continuo sulle opportunità e sulle condizioni prevalenti nei mercati emergenti.
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Adriatic action plan 2020 (Aap2020)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

How to reconcile development with sustainability and integrate sustainability policies into the political and management practices of public authorities is a major concern for regions and cities along the Adriatic coast. They are faced with conflicting trends: on the one hand, there is wide recognition of the importance of environmental action; and on the other hand, sustainability policies are of ...
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Brindisi Durres Port eSecurity Project

Start date: Aug 15, 2004, End date: Dec 4, 2005,

Il progetto è finalizzato a migliorare l`attivià di sorveglianza e dei controlli di sicurezza correlati ai traffici di passeggeri e merci del Porto di Brindisi (IT) e di Durazzo (AL).
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 FINISHED an integrated approach to the environmental protection and management problems presented by the coastal strip (sea and land) of nearly 445 km long spanning the three Apulian provinces of Taranto, Brindisi and Lecce. In these areas the presence of heavy urbanisation and industrialisation raises the risk of exposure of the coast to the combined effects of pollution and coastal erosion. The thre ...
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Il progetto persegue lobiettivo generale e gli obiettivi specifici della Misura 2.1 del PIC Interreg IIIA Grecia -Italia, proponendosi di attivare una rete di eccellenza nellambito della ricerca, dellinnovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico. La rete, consolidando le relazioni esistenti nei e tra i territori coinvolti, dovrà implementare un modello di cooperazione permanente, al fine di contri ...
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... Achievements: Lattivazione di un percorso integrato di formazione e qualificazione delle competenze, destinato agli immigrati albanesi presenti nella Provincia di Brindisi, ha prodotto lanalisi e la mappatura delle esigenze dei territori coinvolti, in termini di settori e tipologie di attivitŕ produttive da sviluppare.Si č giunti cosě alla redazione di un business ...
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The main aim of this proposal is to improve the living and traffic conditions in the urban centres of Igoumenitsa, Brindisi and Gallipoli. The implementation of an advanced urban management system will provide several benefits. The objectives consist of the following: • Creation of an interlinked urban traffic planning system in the three participating cities of this proposal. • Development of an ...
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Il progetto mira a considerare le diverse destinazioni turistiche dell area costiera che insistono nelle province di Brindisi, Bari e Lecce e le aree costiere dell Albania situate nella zona di Durazzo, Valona fino al comprensorio di Saranda per promuoverne lo sviluppo attraverso lo studio e l`offerta di strumenti di analisi dei vantaggi competitivi, delle potenzialià e delle prospettive di miglio ...
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In the implementation of the INTERREG programme the need for a better coordination has emerged together with new needs due to the new borders of the EU.The general objectives of the project IONAS will be to improve the INTERREG Community performance and to promote the involvement of new actors in the INTERREG Programme.These overall objectives will be reached through the following specific objecti ...
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Net.L.A.M. intends to realize a permanent network in the sector of recreational yachting connecting the port structures of the partners and standardizing their services. The principal activities concern: • A Net.L.A.M circuit center • A map of all involved harbours • The organization and improvement of the quality of available services via the NetL.A.M. Paper of Services • A web site that will fu ...
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Il progetto si prefigge come obiettivo generale l'ottimizzazione funzionale delle strutture turistiche, indirizzando le stesse verso un turismo alternativo ed innovativo. L'ottimizzazione delle strutture e la formazione delle risorse umane permetterà al territorio albanese di intensificare i rapporti con l'Italia ed altri Stati esteri, tali da sviluppare ulteriori rapporti commerciali. ...
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Partecipando set out to exchange experience anddisseminate good practice around the issue of local citizenparticipation. The large number of partners was bothan advantage in the sense that there were lots of goodexperiences to share. However so many partners can alsobe problematic when seeking consensus as Rome realisedwhen producing the final results.The network proposed a phased approach to work ...
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Il Progetto si propone lobiettivo di favorire, in attuazione delle politiche di cooperazione transfrontaliera, unosviluppo rurale sostenibile e compatibile con la vocazione turistica dellarea attraverso lo sviluppo e lapromozione di sistemi produttivi in agricoltura biologica. A questo scopo, con la creazione di un networkmultidisciplinare tra Università, centri di ricerca e aziende dei due Paesi, ...
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Il progetto "APOSTOLES״, frutto della cooperazione tra le Camere di Commercio delle regioni della Grecia Occidentale e la Camera di Commercio di Brindisi, si propone di consentire ad alcune aziende residenti nei territori eleggibili di acquisire una conoscenza diretta di alcuni mercati esteri, di comune interesse, attraverso la partecipazione a fiere internazionali di primaria importanza, sviluppa ...
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Il progetto proposto comprende: a. studi sui prodotti tipici locali delle aree focalizzate ed in modo principale sui prodotti di produzione agricola e la trasformazione degli stessi, e che vengono considerati dal punto di vista del sapore, qualità e valore nutrizionale tra i migliori a livello mondiale. Oggetto degli studi è la determinazione di un gruppo di coloro i quali verranno ritenuti idone ...
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Water Saving for Development (WaS4D)

Start date: Mar 18, 2012,

The general objective of the project is to promote drinking water saving culture & behaviour . Its principal activities are: • on line geo-referred maps regarding existing water resources/quality and water needs, for Puglia and Achaia • a Sustainable cross border Water Management Plan • a water saving Local Action Plan - 2015-2020 • Water Houses with scenic design selected via public competition • ...
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...n forme di turismo rurale alternativo (agriturismo, B&B, ecc.). I partner che partecipano al progetto sono: Il Comune di Lecce (capofila), il Comune di Ostuni, le Aziende di Promozione Turistica di Brindisi e Lecce, La Prefettura di Corfù, i Comuni di Achilleion e Perhalion e lIstituto di Istruzione Tecnologico TEI della regione Ionica.Le aree geografiche, in cui rientrano tali soggetti, tra lalt ...
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Il progetto “FORMAZIONE PER DIFFUSIONE KNOW –HOWfrutto della cooperazione tra le Camere di Commercio delle regioni della Grecia Occidentale e la Camera di Commercio di Brindisi, si propone lo volgimento di 3 corsi di formazione per la diffusione del know –how aggiornato in settori che sono determinanti ai fini dello sviluppo delle aree interessate, sviluppando contestualmente la reciproca conosce ...
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The PRO TERRIS project aims at identifying the skills and competencies related to three comparable sectors, namely the agro-alimentary, tourist and catering sectors. The main objective being to develop the multiple skills levels of employees in addition to supporting the recognition of formal, non-formal and informal training to improve workforce employability, flexibility and mobility. The projec ...
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COMPENER project aims at developing qualification and certification schemes for professional skills in the energy sector, in line with the provisions of the Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and with the Directive 2010/31/EC.In particular, the article 14 of the Directive 2009/28/EC requires each Member State to ensure by 31 December 2012 the availabi ...
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The project objectives are summarized as follows:• enabling joint approaches to common accessibility issues and challenges the ports need to tackle,• facilitating the adoption of common accessibility practices through developing, implementing and financing joint actions,• strengthening and promoting cross-border collaboration, transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience not only among the con ...
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• BIG general objective is to improve governance, management and sustainable valorization of coastal and rural protected areas and contributing to the implementation of the Natura 2000 provisions in Greece and Italy. The sub-objectives are:• Strengthening and improving cooperation among regional administrations to further monitor Natura 2000 species and habitats and to set environmental measures f ...
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The territory of concern constitutes one of the most vulnerable to natural disasters areas of Euro-Mediterranean Zone (earthquake activity, extensive fires, floods, continuous subsidence of subsoil water surface and gradual desertification of soil). Taking into account the above, CI-ProEffect aims at improving the quality of life of local societies through engaging catholic participation of citize ...
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