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"ONE-FLOW translates ‘vertical hierarchy’ of chemical multistep synthesis with its complex machinery into self-organising ‘horizontal hierarchy’ of a compartmentalized flow reactor system – a biomimetic digital flow cascade machinery with just one reactor passage. To keep horizontal hierarchy manageable, orthogonality among the consecutive reactions needs to be increased. The winning point of natu ...
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Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics (ExSIDE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Expectations play a crucial role in determining the behaviour of many economic decision makers. The recent financial and economic crisis has highlighted the importance of expectation dynamics for economic development, the success of firm strategies and public policies. The Innovative Training Network ExSIDE aims at improving our understanding of the role of expectation formation and social influen ...
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Chemistry is fundamental to nanotechnology, as chemistry can prepare specifically tailored molecules to serve, in a bottom-up approach, as the building blocks for the fabrication of functional and structured nano-materials. Nanotechnology is the technology of the 21st century with applications from electronics to biotechnology and medicine. The next decade will thus be characterized by an increasi ...
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Virus-X: Viral Metagenomics for Innovation Value (Virus-X)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

Biological sequence diversity in nowhere as apparent as in the vast sequence space of viral genomes. The Virus-X project will specifically explore the outer realms of this diversity by targeting the virosphere of selected microbial ecosystems and investigate the encoded functional variety of viral gene products. The project is driven by the expected large innovation value and unique properties of ...
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Magnetic DIagnostic Assay for neurodegenerative diseases (MADIA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

MADIA aims at realizing a versatile and cheap diagnostic device based on magnetoresistive sensors, microfluidic device, ultra–small Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs) and advanced bio-chemical functionalization methods for the early and ultrasensitive in vitro detection of biomarkers trustfully associated with 2 incurable neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson Disease (PD). ...
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Quality in ECEC is gaining an increasingly prominent position on European and national policy agendas. One of the most important characteristics that has been associated with high quality of ECEC provision, is the strengthening of the skills (professional development) of ECEC staff. The problem that the partnership has identified stands in the fact that the training procedures of in-service educat ...
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NUCLEUS develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs.In order to achieve a multifaceted and cross-cultural New Und ...
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Cognitive Interaction in Motion (CogIMon)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Compliant control in humans is exploited in a variety of sophisticated skills. These include solitary actions such as soft catching, sliding, pushing large objects as well as joint actions performed in teams such as mainpulation of large scale objects or mutual adaptation through phyiscal coupling for learning, in walking or in execution of joint tasks. We refer to this advanced ability of organiz ...
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The crowning achievement of human communication is our unique ability to share intentionality, create and execute on joint plans. Using this paradigm we model human-robot communication as a three step process: sharing attention, establishing common ground and forming shared goals. Prerequisites for successful communication are being able to decode the cognitive state of people around us (mindrea ...
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Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots (L2TOR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The L2TOR project capitalises on recent developments in human-robot interaction in which the use of social robots is explored in the context of teaching and tutoring. Social robots have been shown to have marked benefits over screen-based tutoring technologies, and have demonstrable positive impacts on motivation in learners and their learning outcomes. L2TOR focuses on the domain of second langua ...
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STREPSYNTH aims to set-up a Streptomyces-based new industrial production platform (SNIP) for high value added biomolecules. Streptomyces lividans was chosen as a bacterial host cell because it has been already shown to be highly efficient for the extracellular production of a number of heterologous molecules that vary chemically, has a robust tradition of industrial fermentation and is fully acces ...
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Description ECHORD++ will create new opportunities for European robotics researchers to work directly with SME/start-ups and new users/customers to create innovative products. ECHORD++ will continue ECHORD’s two pillars, “experiments” and “structured dialogue”, taking advantage of experience and investment in the infrastructure. In addition, ...
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Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 (OpenAIRE2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

OpenAIRE2020 represents a pivotal phase in the long-term effort to implement and strengthen the impact of the Open Access (OA) policies of the European Commission (EC), building on the achievements of the OpenAIRE projects. OpenAIRE2020 will expand and leverage its focus from (1) the agents and resources of scholarly communication to workflows and processes, (2) from publications to data, software ...
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Valmiina Maailmalle!

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The importance of competences obtained from the international mobility period is increasing in the current employment markets. The mobility periods have several positive effects: enhancement of students’ autonomous and entrepreneurial attitude, wider perspective for work, extended networks and improved language skills. International experiences enhance students’ self-confidence, improve their prob ...
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Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth (ISIGrowth)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

ISIGrowth aims to offer comprehensive diagnostics of the relationships between innovation, employment dynamics and growth in an increasingly globalized and financialised world economy, and, on the grounds of such analysis, elaborate a set of policy scenarios and deliver a coherent policy toolkit able to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. ISIGrowth brings ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

This project is the second in the series of EC-financed parts of the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a 10 year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of 1,000,000,000 euros, funded jointly by the European Commission and member states and associated countries. The first part of the Flagship was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CS ...
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Research on international youth mobility has been fragmented, mostly based on relatively small samples and case studies. YMOBILITY develops a comprehensive research programme which addresses the following:• Identifying, and quantifying, the main types of international youth mobility in the EU, and their key characteristics. Particular attention will be given to differences between and within three ...
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CACHE: CAlcium in a CHanging Environment (CACHE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"Anthropogenic driven climate change is a global problem that will increasingly affect our world and It is essential that we train our future scientists in multidisciplinary approaches to enable them to tackle such complex problems. This ITN examines environmental calcium mobilisation and deposition in marine molluscs, species that have been highlighted as being particularly at risk under future c ...
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E-learning Objects for Innovative Science Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The basic idea of the project “E-learning Objects for Innovative Science Education” (E-LOISE) is to improve adult education and teachers´ skills and knowledge in using interactive objects in all types of science education, as well as providing inspiration for new ideas in teaching. One aim of the project is to explore how to utilize the many opportunities for adaptive and self-paced learning, how ...
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European Business Baccalaureate Diploma for All

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Background European Business Baccalaureate Diploma (EBBD) was created in a Comenius Multilateral Project in 2010-2013. The diploma responds to the needs of graduates, since their competences vary depending on the country and the student. Because of this it is difficult for working life to employ and for the institutes of higher education to admit the students. The diploma covers the competences in ...
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Heusler Alloy Replacement for Iridium (HARFIR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The proposed HARFIR project intends to develop antiferromagnetic (AF) Heusler alloy (HA) films to replace the antiferromagnetic alloy Iridium Manganese (IrMn), which has been widely used in all spin electronic devices including hard disk drives and next-generation magnetic memories. Accordingly the price of Ir has risen by a factor of 4 in the last five years and by more than a factor of 10 in the ...
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Sustainable PoLymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons (SPLASH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The 4-year SPLASH project will develop a new biobased industrial platform using microalgae as a renewable raw material for the sustainable production and recovery of hydrocarbons and (exo)polysaccharides from the species Botryococcus braunii and further conversion to renewable polymers. The project comprises 20 partners of which 40% SME and several large corporates plus universities and research i ...
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...e in the production of MOOCs for Coursera and edX. University of Girona in Spain is active in the development of MOOCs and has recently run training courses on "DIY" MOOC production. Fachhochschule Bielefeld in Germany is active in the rapid low-cost development of e-learning content. University of Leicester, an institution with extensive experience in distance learning and e-learning research ...
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The phenomena surrounding temporary transnational mobility of people are giving rise to an increasing political and academic debate throughout the world. This multidisciplinary EURA-NET project produces scientifically sound and innovative framings for investigating transformative characteristics and development impacts of temporary transnational migration and mobility in highly industrialised soci ...
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Language and Perception (LanPercept)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"This network provides a unique approach to understanding the interaction between two central cognitive systems: language and perception. Traditionally these systems have been studied independently, with training provided from a single discipline perspective. This training network offers an interdisciplinary approach to the examination of the bidirectional relationships between language and percep ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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The goal of this project is to reduce the power performance ratio within data-centres by improving the usability and usefulness of FPGAs, embedded CPU (eCPU), GPUs and multi/manycore accelerators in high-performance and low-power heterogeneous computing servers. We target applications between traditional super computing tasks (where huge amount of man-power can be spent for manual algorithm optimi ...
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Monikulttuurinen ammattiosaaminen

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The main task of our school is to provide the metropolitan area with qualified professionals for jobs in Business and Administration and in Information and Communication Technology. Companies today are operating in a global market and their staff is multi-cultural. This is reflected in skills requirements. In addition to subject-specific competence, it is more and more important to have social ski ...
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Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe's Research via The Cloud (eCloud)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Europeana Cloud is a Best Practice Network, submitted under Objective 2.1.a and coordinated by the Europeana Foundation, designed to establish a cloud-based system for Europeana and its aggregators. Europeana Cloud will provide new content, new metadata, a new linked storage system, new tools and services for researchers and a new platform - Europeana Research. Content providers and aggregators, a ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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Innovative biological products for soil pest control (INBIOSOIL)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"INBIOSOIL is a timely project that proposes novel eco-efficient environmentally friendly technologies substantially contributing to the reduced input of conventional chemical pesticides for the control of subterranean crop pests of global economic importance. This would be accomplished through the generation of new formulations of biological control agents (BCAs) based on entomopathogenic fungi ...
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“Social Innovation–Empowering the Young (SocIEtY) for the Common Good” will both focus on and integrate disadvantaged young people into the research process to improve their quality of life and to foster social innovation. Therefore SocIEtY will extend the given informational basis for designing and implementing policies to reduce inequalities by giving voice and opportunities for developing aspir ...
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The explosive growth of content in volume, velocity and variety on the Web demands new approaches to content analytics, addressing issues in large scale analysis and interpretation of heterogeneous data sets, originating in different media, human languages, jurisdictions, etc. Among these, language diversity in particular has become a ubiquitous aspect of the Web in light of increasing globalizati ...
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Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HADRONPHYSICS3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The Project promotes the access to five European Research Infrastructures, and it is structured into nine Networking Activities, plus the Management of the Consortium, and fourteen Joint Research Activities.The Project will profit of the success of the previous HadronPhysics project in FP6 and the current HadronPhysics2 in FP7, and originates from the initiative of more than 2.500 European scienti ...
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OpenAIREplus will build a 2nd-Generation Open Access Infrastructure by significantly expanding in several directions the outcomes of the OpenAIRE project, which implements the EC Open Access (OA) pilot. Capitalizing on the OpenAIRE infrastructure, built for managing FP7 and ERC funded articles, and the associated supporting mechanism of the European Helpdesk System, OpenAIREplus will "develop an o ...
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Cradle to Cradle Business Innovation & Improvement Zones (C2C-BIZZ)

Start date: Sep 24, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Cradle to Cradle® is a holistic framework that creates systems that are not only eco-efficient but essentially waste-free: a revolutionary change from traditional industrial ‘cradle to grave’ approach. Rather than minimizing material & energy flows. C2C proposes transforming products & material flows so that a workable relationship between ecological systems & economic growth is made possible. Thi ...
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ROBOTics for Development Of Cognition (ROBOT-DOC)

Start date: Sep 15, 2009, End date: Sep 14, 2014,

"The ROBOT-DOC proposal aims at the establishment of a multi-national doctoral training network for the interdisciplinary training on developmental cognitive robotics. Developmental robotics is a novel approach to the design of robots that takes direct inspiration from the developmental mechanisms studied in children by psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists. The Fellows will develop advanced ...
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The ITN 'Education as Welfare - Enhancing opportunities for socially vulnerable youth in Europe' aims to consolidate research on education and welfare and evaluate its capacity to tackle the multiple challenges and pressures a large proportion of young people in Europe faces. In examining the welfare dimensions of educational settings and the educational dimensions of welfare services, it integrat ...
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Joint Action for Multimodal Embodied Social Systems (JAMES)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

Description As robots become more and more integrated into our daily lives, they must increasingly deal with situations in which socially appropriate interaction is vital. A robot not only requires the necessary physical skills to perform objective tasks in the world, but also the proper social skills to understand and respond to the intenti ...
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