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The development and dissemination of methodologies for Low-Cost Mooc production and delivery.
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

LoCoMoTion is a project on the development and dissemination of methodologies for "Low-Cost Mooc Production". Its purpose is to increase activity in the development of MOOCs in Europe. By investigating and verifying the cost-effectiveness of a range of techniques, it will increase the capacity of institutions to develop MOOCs and the number of institutions and individuals that can afford to develop MOOCs. By reducing the cost of development and delivery, it will improve the sustainability of MOOCs and increase the range of topics available from those of general interest to more specialised audiences, minority languages and topics that change quickly over time. The project leader is Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland, a higher educational institutional with over twelve years' experience in online distance learning using low-cost development methods and more recent experience in MOOC production. Technical University of Delft in Holland is very active in Open Education being a key member of the Open Courseware Initiative in Europe and active in the production of MOOCs for Coursera and edX. University of Girona in Spain is active in the development of MOOCs and has recently run training courses on "DIY" MOOC production. Fachhochschule Bielefeld in Germany is active in the rapid low-cost development of e-learning content. University of Leicester, an institution with extensive experience in distance learning and e-learning research is carrying out evaluation on the cost effectiveness of the techniques identified as part of this project. The core methodology for both the identification of low-cost methods and their dissemination is a MOOC in itself. This primary MOOC will be based on the experiences and knowledge of the core team, and will also use constructivist and connectivist techniques to harness the efforts of the participants to identify and test techniques for their cost-effectiveness, and use the knowledge generated in a second delivery of this MOOC. This MOOC will be accredited and delivered continuously beyond the end of the project and subject to continuous improvement using this approach.
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