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15 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


VET-related language courses for millions of refugees in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

* Problem formulation Since 2014 more than 2 million refugees came to Europe, which is unprecedented since the second World War. Now more than ever the integration and inclusion of refugees into society and labor market is a top priority. The most important factors to be able to enter the labor market is the combination of work skills and knowledge of the language. However, due to the large amount ...
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We will develop and implement a new toolkit to enable national, regional and local labor market forecasters to ensure that they are able to support the alignment of VET policy and economic development strategy, in line with the priorities of the European Commission. This will be transferred through an existing network of labor market observatories operating throughout Europe. The ERASMUS+ Program ...
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Talent and Creativity in ICT for global development

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The project T. A. CI.T ? through an internships program of 12 weeks (3 months) carried out in 5 EU states (Sweden, Slovenia, UK, Spain, Portugal)has had the following targets -to Complete the specialized training of 17 students (selected among a group of 42 students) enrolled in two biennal training courses ? Ts for Applications of the Data Integration in Cloud environment? and ?TS for Integrated ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

• THE CONTENT OF THE PROJECT: The content of the project which we aim to conduct is to visit Arbetsförmedlingen Institution onsite in Sweden via intermediary firm Euprocon Consulting to witness • Theoretical and practical training programs and their durations • Courses for training and the contents of the courses and their durations • The selection criteria of participants which are eligible for ...
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NGO, Private Enterprises & the Public Sector (NEO)

Start date: Sep 2, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The goal for the project is to increase the co-operation between NGOs, private enterprises and the public sector across the Sound – primarily co-operation concerning actions aimed at increasing young peoples possibilities on the labour market. ...
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Job and education in the Oresund Region

Start date: Sep 14, 2011, End date: Sep 14, 2014,

The overall aim is contributing to creating an interconnected and varied educational system and labor market in the Oresund Region. This will be realized in identification and visualization of jobs and education possibilities, which will increase mobility along with practical courses for citizens, counselors and strategically co-operation, like industrial counsels. ...
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Orestat III

Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Aug 29, 2014,

In order to monitor integration-related progress in the Oresund Region and to gain insight into the competitiveness of regions compared to other regions, there is a need to develop new comparative data in key areas. The database Orestat" contains comparable statistics, for instance in the areas of demography, housing and employment, for the Oresund region. ...
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Employment retention refers to an employer's practice of retaining, rather than dismissing, employees with new or increasing levels of disability. Whilst this practice is already backed by legislation in the UK and SE and further supported by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), there is the need for policy development in the remaining partner countries. The project's ultimate goal is to c ...
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The main objective of the project is to improve the education and working life possibilities of the visually impaired persons, namely sound engineers, musicians and producers through technology development. It also aims at lowering the unemployment rate among the visually impaired and boosting the economy. The target groups are a) visually impaired musicians, sound engineers and producers includi ...
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Getting to grips with a European model : The project has developed a training model which will form the basis for the development of courses for visually impaired masseurs throughout Europe and will hopefully contribute to the creation of Europe-wide accreditation. This project started in 2001 and lasted 39 months.
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The project aims to develop new tools for detecting and meeting the needs of adults and young adults with dyslexia whose symptoms frequently go undetected. This goal will be achieved by developing a new screening instrument to identify adult dyslexics and by developing a motivational interview to counsel and advise identified adult dyslexics with regard to their VET opportunities. The project will ...
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Improving prospects for low-paid workers : Low-paid work exists across Europe, but this project looks beyond the immediate nature of the work to see how vocational training can give new employment prospects. Guidance on training is delivered right to the workers themselves and a complete support structure is now available to employers, trade unions and employment offices seeking to help them. This ...
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The main objective of the project is to improve the education and working life possibilities of the visually impaired persons, namely sound engineers, musicians and producers through technology development. It also aims at lowering the unemployment rate among the visually impaired and boosting the economy. The target groups are a) visually impaired musicians, sound engineers and producers includi ...
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Poor soft skills are linked to a range of labour market problems: high staff turnover/difficulty recruiting (particularly in the young); lack of ability to compete; inability to cope with change; reasons for staff dismissal & problems in school to work transition. Several European employer surveys endorse the following soft skills as essential but often missing: team working, communication, proble ...
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An integrated labour market gives a number of unique economical and social possibilities, like a broader recruitment foundation for employers, an improved exploitation of the resources of the labour force as well as increased choice possibilities for employees. Through the project knowledge will be gathered about the conditions for developing an integrated labour market.
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