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VET-related language courses for millions of refugees in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

* Problem formulation Since 2014 more than 2 million refugees came to Europe, which is unprecedented since the second World War. Now more than ever the integration and inclusion of refugees into society and labor market is a top priority. The most important factors to be able to enter the labor market is the combination of work skills and knowledge of the language. However, due to the large amount of refugees entering Europe the asylum process and the time for evaluation has increased and today it could take 2 years before being granted asylum. During these 2 years refugees cannot enroll in official governmental language classes in order to learn the language. We in the project group think this delay is unnecessary and very negative for both the refugees and the society. As an example currently only 50% of refugees manage to get work after 5 years in Sweden.* Objectives The project group has the intention to develop digital educational solutions that enable refugees in all Europe to learn both general and VET-related language courses. Our digital solutions will enable the refugees to start learning day 1 of entering Europe, instead of waiting 2 years. With this project we want to support more than 2 millions users at the end of 2019. * ParticipantsTogether the participants have strong experience and background in areas related to digital development, staffing, training, job matching and refugee reception. - Lingio team members have previously held senior positions at companies such as Spotify, EA Games and Skype and today more than 500 million people use products they have worked on. Lingio develops high quality digital educational products and content. In this project Lingio will develop the digital solutions. - Swedish Public Employment Services is the largest intermediary of matching job seekers with employers in Sweden. With 320 local offices in Sweden they will use the digital solutions created in the project as part of their daily operations. - Paragona Group, with over 300 affiliates operates a pan European staffing and training business. They will be able to provide teaching expertize in creating content courses. - Hero has more than 1500 employees and runs more than 86 asylum reception centers in Scandinavia. Hero Competence team has training centers in Oslo, Stavanger and Bergen. They will be able to test digital solutions with refugees and teachers in various centers across Scandinavia. * Activities This project will involve design, development, PR, marketing and partnerships. We will design and develop a product that solves refugees actual educational needs and with a clear focus to get them faster to the labor market. We will provide both general language learning as well as VET-related language courses, which enhances their access to life long training. * MethodologyThe development and dissemination process will be agile and we will iteratively and frequently release new features and content so we can increasingly add value during the complete project. This will be a very useful method to grow the user base to the large scale of 2M in end of 2019. * Results and benefitsOur goal is to shorten the time to learn a new language as well as be better prepared to pass VET courses. With our digital solutions refugees can start learning from day 1 of entering the country. We would save them 2-3 years of time (2 years of waiting and 1 year of studies). Our goal is thus to shorten the time it takes to enter the labor market with half.
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