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13 European Projects Found

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ADRIAtic FOOd and TOURism: INnovatinG smes (ADRIA FOOTOURING)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Jul 30, 2015,

Food and tourism are key strategic sectors for ADRIA FOOTOURING regions. They are often put together when tackling territorial promotion issues; never, when the tackled topics are the development and fostering of innovative firms, as they are mostly considered as traditional sectors with a low innovation potential. But, technological, organizational, service innovations, supported by enabling tech ...
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moting Food Innovation for Wellness in the Adriatic (WELLFOOD)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: May 30, 2015,

WELLFOOD aims at strengthening innovation capacity of Adriatic Regions on agri-food sector, by stimulating the link between business, RTD-inn.Centers,producers-consumers as a pillar for territorial growth, development and integration of the area. Nowadays policy level is searching for holistic social innovation of communities, health and wellness implying the adoption of new governance strategies ...
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Adriatic model forest (AMF)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Today forest areas and people concerned are dealing with a range of challenges such as: improve biodiversity, improve living conditions, make increment in growth and forest yield, develop environmentally friendly transport, promote job creation, minimize anthropogenic risks, host influx of green tourists, integrate awareness campaigns into the education systems, promote use of renewable energies, ...
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Among the common features of the Adriatic landscape is the olive grove, on which for centuries have relied the economic and cultural activities of the local populations. The shaping of that landscape is locally transformed, due to its recent history, changes in traditional ways of human intervention as far as models and techniques of oil production are concerned, the olive tree varieties and produ ...
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Joint Waste Prevention Plans and Promotion of Recycling (LESS-WASTE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2013,

The primary goal of the LESS WASTE project is the increase of recycling rates in the region, as well as, the promotion of waste prevention actions. LESS-WASTEs specific objectives are: - to reduce the volume of waste going to land-filling and increase the recycling of waste materials in the cross-border area - to involve and encourage participation in waste reduction/recycling/recovery by a wide r ...
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The main objective is promotion of structural change and restrugturing employment through the diversification of rural economy based on the setting up of local and transnational Multifunctional Economic Networks. "MEN" stands for integration between rural enterprises and villages belonging to different economic sectors of a homogeneous rural area set up to overcome the structural difficulties (siz ...
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...tudies and for the quality control and monitoring. The consortium covers all aspects of renewable energy –West: U Hohenheim, U Stuttgart, BLE (DE), BOKU (AT), Bratislava (SK) and Sofia (BG). East: Agricultural and the Polytechnic University Tirana (AL), University of Montenegro(ME), University of Zenica and Mostar (BA).
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Albanian universities need to reinforce their role for the social and economic development of the country. This is a national priority stated in the Higher Education Strategy and in the Action Plan defined by national authorities.Teaching and learning and research, the traditional missions of universities, need improvements in order to support Albanian development. Additionally what is named unive ...
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The main features of this project include the identification of best IL practice, transfer of knowledge, development and implementation of IL programs and training including online IL suites, development of IL policy and dissemination and exploitation of results across all participating countries. Wider objectives:A furthering of the Bologna Process for a Europe of knowledge by exploring inclusio ...
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The project aims to develop and implement a Joint Doctoral Programme in Entrepreneurship and SME Management as a third cycle at Western Balkan (WB) universities.This Programme is among the first programmes organized as a 3rd cycle in accordance with Bologna Process documents and key EHEA/ERA goals and it is a new way of gaining doctoral degree in co-beneficiaries from WB.The main aim of this Docto ...
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The objective of the project is to improve Biotechnology education in the Western Balkans at bachelor and master degree level and to develop a regional network of HE institutions in this area. The specific project objectives are to restructure the curricula for new BSc/MSc studies and to establish these curricula in strategic fields covering technical, economical and managerial specialisation and ...
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The project aims to develop the capacity of partner country universities to serve the needs of society at large (both state institutions and private sector) by strengthening their links with the labour market and offering programmes promoting entrepreneurship and to develop an academic programme in Entrepreneurship and LED jointly taught by universities in each partner country. The specific object ...
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...nnovations, the combination can be a strong contribution to more energy efficient cities and regions. The backbone of the project we were to develop was cooperation: as Lead Partner coming from the agricultural sector – the Institute for Agriculture and Forestry - maybe it was the historical cooperative approach that was important for the agricultural sector and is becoming a more and more popular ...
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