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Joint Waste Prevention Plans and Promotion of Recycling (LESS-WASTE)
Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The primary goal of the LESS WASTE project is the increase of recycling rates in the region, as well as, the promotion of waste prevention actions. LESS-WASTEs specific objectives are: - to reduce the volume of waste going to land-filling and increase the recycling of waste materials in the cross-border area - to involve and encourage participation in waste reduction/recycling/recovery by a wide range of stakeholders - to contribute to the improvement of inter-regional understanding of waste generation, monitoring and management by providing robust baseline data.The actions foreseen involve setting-up of waste prevention & recycling plans, extensive information & publicity that demonstrate how to separate, recycle and how to re-use organic waste, training that aims at the adoption of waste management methodologies by local stakeholders and the provision of equipment for the collection of recyclables & re-use of organic waste (press containers, waste bins, home-composting bins). Expected Results: ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITSa. Improved environmental conditions, as waste going to land-filling and dumpsites is reduced, thus significantly contributing to the upgrading of the quality of life for local populations and the protection of natural eco-systemsb. Effective environmental management, as planning for collection of recyclables and the promotion of prevention reinforces existing waste management structures into applying the Waste Hierarchy pyramidCAPACITY BUILDING BENEFITSc. Optimization of the operating characteristics of waste collection systems for achieving maximum recycling/recovery rates through better planning and the provision of updated information and data in the areas of interest d. Staff, municipal or else, as well as technical personnel on both sides of the border, involved at any stage of waste management at local level, acquire through training programmes a better understanding of the issues addressed under the waste management umbrella, such as prevention, recycling methods, costs analysis and evaluation of certain methods etc.e. Project actions directly promote the implementation of EU and national legislation, particurlaly the adoption of the revised Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) which calls for increased measures for waste minimization, as well as, increased information and awarenessSOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITSf. Rationalization and minimization of waste management costs for waste prevention and recycling, through improved planning methodologies and raising awarenessg. Overall growth of quality of life affecting positively inhabitants as well as the development of the areas of interest as tourists destinations

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  • 80%   334 385,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Albania IPA CBC (EL-AL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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