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13 European Projects Found

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VET mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

MCAST is promoting the VET mobility project to reach a fundamental aim regarding our work in the vocational sector. We aim at giving our students an international dimension to their vocational education programmes. Together with their local work experience this project will give these students an unforgettable and unequalled international experience that will boost their working knowledge, their ...
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VET mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

MCAST is promoting the VET mobility project to reach a fundamental aim regarding our work in the vocational education sector. We aim at giving our students an international dimension to their vocational education programmes. Together with their local work experience this project will give these students an unforgettable and unequalled international experience that will boost their working knowle ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2014

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

International cooperation is an integrated part of Hordaland County Council’s (HCC) strategy for regional development (International Strategy, 2013-2016). The strategy aims at creating a sustainable, attractive and competitive region, and give young people international competence, experience and shared responsibility. The region faces challenges concerning climate and energy, sustainable developm ...
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Restoration of Dry Grasslands in Denmark (Rodgid)

Start date: Jul 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

Background As in most parts of Europe, dry grasslands and the specific flora and fauna values linked to these habitats have largely disappeared from Denmark, due the combined effects of lack of grazing, scrub encroachment and invasion of non-native species. Through this LIFE project the Danish Ministry of Environment intends to launch a national strategy ...
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Protection of Triturus cristatus in Eastern Baltic Region (BALTRIT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

Background The great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) is widespread in Europe but has suffered from habitat decline over large parts of its range, which is why the species is listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. The problems it faces include the loss of ponds and other small bodies of water, overgrowth of freshwater habitats and the introduction ...
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The participating research institutes are strongly involved in the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) and have a long and extensive expertise on non-chemical methods of weed control.By linking these research institutions with the public authorities, CleanRegion supports the involved municipalities and cities in (1) developing alternative strategies for weed control, (2) developing improved poli ...
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The InterBaltic project is initiated by the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and seconded by the Baltic Development Forum, based on the assumption that there will be a considerable increase in transportation and logistics within, to and from, and through the Baltic Sea region. This situation will affect political decisions, business development and living conditions in general.The main objective of this ...
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BALANCE – or in full “Baltic Sea Management–Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Ecosystem through Spatial Planning” – is an INTERREG III B co-funded project aimed towards development of informed marine management tools for the Baltic Sea based on spatial planning and cross-sectoral and transnational co-operation.BALANCE is organised into 5 work packages (WPs) which will identify ...
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...blem in relation to reaching "good status" in the quality of the surface waters of member countries, which is one of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Recent surveys in the County of Aarhus, Denmark, have demonstrated that 17 % of the overflows lead to unacceptable conditions in the receiving waters. Appropriate and cost-efficient technical methods for local treatment of the disch ...
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The main objective was to solve concrete local ICZD problems and to generalise experience acquired in this process into pan-Baltic actions such as changes of national legislation, elaboration of best practices and recommendations. The goal of the project was to accompany the implementation process by different international experts in the field of ICZD and to develop a common strategy based on the ...
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...They show an inspiring and unforgettable picture of historic and architectural cross-border commonness in seven Baltic Sea countries.Partners on the European Route of Brick Gothic are Ystad (Sweden), Aarhus and Haderslev (Denmark), Greifswald, Bad Doberan, Neubrandenburg, Rostock, Lüneburg, the counties of Northwest Mecklenburg and Rügen, the World Culture Heritage Cities Lübeck, Stralsund, Wismar ...
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The issue of parenting support has been gaining in proeminence at EU level since 2007, when the German EU Presidency suggested forming a European Federation of Parents. There are many key elements to the policy and institutional framework at EU level. One is the focus on early years’ provision which was a strong theme under the Lisbon Strategy. Under the Belgian Presidency in 2010, a Ministerial D ...
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Making technology user friendly : The DELCIS project provides distance courses in ICT for library staff in Lithuania and Latvia. It allows staff with limited opportunities for traditional forms of continuing education to update their professional skills in a way that is adaptable to the needs of the individual. With its potential for extending into other DE networks, the project brings librarians ...
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