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Restoration of Dry Grasslands in Denmark (Rodgid)
Start date: Jul 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background As in most parts of Europe, dry grasslands and the specific flora and fauna values linked to these habitats have largely disappeared from Denmark, due the combined effects of lack of grazing, scrub encroachment and invasion of non-native species. Through this LIFE project the Danish Ministry of Environment intends to launch a national strategy to restore the most valuable Danish grassland sites within Natura 2000 back to a favourable conservation status, and to secure their long-term management. The project includes 11 sites harbouring around 70% of the xeric and calcareous grasslands, 25% of semi-natural dry grasslands and 20% of species-rich Nardus grasslands in Denmark. One of the project sites, Mols Bjerge in Jutland, is also selected as a pilot site for developing a national model for national parks in Denmark. Objectives The project’s target was to increase the area of the Annex I dry grassland habitats from 715 ha to 983 ha. This involved the conversion of 178 ha of plantations and arable land back to grasslands, so helping to counteract habitat fragmentation. It also required the clearing of overgrowth and encroaching scrub from over 900 ha. Grazing would be introduced on 599 ha so that by the end of the project more than 1 780 ha in total is to be managed for conservation. Considering that 53% of the project area is in private ownership, cooperation with landowners was an essential prerequisite for the project's final success. The project was thus placing a lot of emphasis on stakeholder dialogue and awareness-raising, as well as on activities to encourage landowners to sign agri-environmental contracts. Finally, for the dissemination of experience gained by the project, a workshop aimed at conservation experts was to be held in late summer 2006. Results The project exceeded the target of increasing the area of the three grassland habitat types from 715 ha to 983 ha. A total of 1 054.7 ha of these habitat types was found inside the project area at the end of the project. To achieve its objective, the project has carried out a variety of different biotope management actions, including clearing of smaller plantations on former dry grassland, restoration by clearing of various degrees of overgrowth with bushes and trees and establishment or continuation of appropriate grazing regimes through providing the basis for subsequent agreement with farmers. Non native woody species threatening the dry grassland will be removed. All project actions carried out contributed directly to the overall objective of the project. Specific results include: Conversion of 128.2 ha of plantations on former dry grassland habitat types (the target was 65 ha), contributing significantly to counteract the fragmentation of dry grasslands; Restoration of dry grassland habitat types on more than 243 ha of land either from conversion of plantations, arable land or other areas (target was 178 ha); Clearing of 223.6 ha of dry grasslands with dense overgrowth (target was 269 ha); Clearing of 61.7 ha of dry grasslands with overgrowth (target was 60 ha); Removal of tree encroachment on 623 ha; Establishment or securing of appropriate grazing regimes on 1 952 ha (target was 1 780 ha), including the introduction of grazing on 694 ha (target was 599 ha). Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report (see "Read more" section).
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