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13 European Projects Found

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Creative and Innovative Training Based on Digital Materials and Games

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...t century skills, pedagogy, healthy life style and uninterupted online communication with teachers/schools via the Information Managment System & the website. Provincial Directorate of Education of Ankara, Hacettepe University and Provincial Directorate of Opera and Ballet in Mersin from Turkey together with I Circolo Didattico San Filippo (Italy), Základná skola Turnianska (Slovakia), St Thomas C ...
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CONTEXT / BACKGROUNDThe migratory phenomenon involves Europe as a whole and therefore the project was thought in transnational terms. That is why the choice of partners was carried out with great care, starting from the objectives and the results that there was prefigured in the first instance and by the need for a geographical diversification that would involve countries with different problems:- ...
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What endangered in nature is not an animal or a plant but it is Human

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

We are three schools with one National Education Directorate from three different countries and our project involves children from 5 to15 years old, from primary school to secondary school (mostly primary pupils) We intend to commit to a project based on environment conservation through a wide spectrum of activities and experiences. Higher order thinking skills will be fostered through the us ...
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The teaching of civic values is necessary as a means of preserving a social life in prison based on respect and an integral part of the educational values for a further reintegration into society. In addition, the recent events related to violent acts of extremism in an international context reinforce its interest.The prison which houses a fragile public, vulnerable, often young is a place of radi ...
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Start date: Nov 7, 2016, End date: Jan 6, 2018,

Our management made a project within the scope of Erasmus+ before. However,Mehmet Rıfat Börekçi Primary School/Mamak, Nedim İnal Primary S./Mamak and İltekin Primary S./Çankaya has never participated in an European Union Project yet.Our instution,which has great potential to carry out a project, engage with the teams of the other two schools mentioned before during the application process and deve ...
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Sharing European Knowledge on Autism: Training Programs for Parents

Start date: Nov 15, 2015, End date: Nov 14, 2017,

Autism Spectrum Disorders-ASD is developmental disorder of which symptoms show up in the three years of life affecting the formation of social and communication skills. Autism shows itself in three fields of disabilities ; social interaction, language and communication,interest and behaviours. These disabilities cause social interaction problems, communication problems, limited or repetitive in ...
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Start date: May 10, 2016, End date: Nov 9, 2016,

This project intersects the issues of food/nutrition and participation in sport aiming to assist the Commission in achieving its objectives to reduce phyiscal inactivity amongst young people (Erasmus+ programme guide p.11) and improve the nutritional knowledge of participants which is an oft overlooked but key competence for young people. It aims to do so via a cultural exchange between Italy and ...
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Hayat Boyu Beceri Eğitimi

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016,

...l and Technical Education. And the foreign partners of the project are TUV – Rheinland, Dehoga, OSZKIM, İRİS, Mittelhof e.V., IFB, Marie e.V. and HM Media. Moreover 22 provincial directorates (Ankara, Aydın, Adana, Antalya, Bursa, Balıkesir, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Konya, Kocaeli, Manisa, Mersin, Samsun, Sakarya, Trabzon, Tekirdağ, Hatay) as well as in ...
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Bilişim Destekli Bireysel Eğitim

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The capital of Turkey, Ankara, is the second largest city of the country with a population of over 5 million. Ankara EducationDirectorate, with the advantage of being in the same city with Ministry of Education, is the first to implement the innovations and changes made in our country in the field of education. The number of people affected by our service is close to a million students almost as a ...
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Quality education in early childhood, especially for children at risk, encourages their motivation, confidence and cognitive and linguistic development. Through the creation of a cooperation network with other educative institutions in Europe, partners face the socio challenges that arise in the growth of early childhood 0-6 years, and lead their steps to find solutions for the new realities and s ...
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Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a disorder of muscle control which results from some damage to part of the brain. Functional deficiencies that develop depending on physical , cognitive, sensory, emotional and social disorders of children with CP bring quite a difficult life and cohesion problem with the rest of the community. Treatment of CP requires multidimensional approaches and various actors have to w ...
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VET constitutes a major expenditure for governments. Hence, effective performance measurement is crucial to ensure the funds are used efficiently and effectively. This is important also to demonstrate public accountability and continuous improvement opportunities. Very limited performance measures where the inspectors focus mainly on financial and budget processes have been used in state schools a ...
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...rtium. The Swedish partner is a municipality in Sweden with responsibility for VET and continuous professional development of teachers and the Turkish partner is responsible for education across the Ankara municipality. The short-term impact will be the implementation of serious gaming tools in countries across Europe. Since serious gaming is an important trend, the consortium expects that the l ...
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