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Exchanging Practices in Institutional Performance Evaluation in Vocational Education & Training.

VET constitutes a major expenditure for governments. Hence, effective performance measurement is crucial to ensure the funds are used efficiently and effectively. This is important also to demonstrate public accountability and continuous improvement opportunities. Very limited performance measures where the inspectors focus mainly on financial and budget processes have been used in state schools and institutions. Moreover those systems have not caught up on the intended prevalence and practicability. “... Improving the scope, reliability, validity and comparability of statistics and indicators is, therefore, a precondition for assessing benchmarks and monitoring progress in making VET more efficient, effective and attractive.” (see annex 1). This partnership project will give a chance to share and exchange practices about “Institutional Performance Evaluation in VET” and make needs analysis in this field. Different performance measure models applied in partner countries will be compared with each other taking all the strong and weak sides into account. Those results will be displayed in a national report of each partner. Partners will organize meetings and conferences in their countries to make the related parties informed about the results. This project is expected to lead a new multilateral partnership project where a new and accreditable “System for Institutional Performance Evaluation in VET in Europe” will be transferred or prepared. The partnership is constituted from a total of 5 partners from 5 countries and covers local and regional and national authorities and NGOs all of which are related to VET. The target groups are total quality management experts, school and institution managers, administrators and policy makers. End users are teachers in VET. A total of 12 mobilities are planned for this project.
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3 Partners Participants