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24 European Projects Found

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World in words

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

On one hand, entrepreneurship can constitute an important element with regards to the autonomy, personal development and wellbeing of young people. Entrepreneurship can be seen as one of the solutions to combat youth unemployment. Cultures, that value and reward entrepreneurial behavior such as calculated risk taking and independent thinking promote a propensity to develop new solutions to social ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

More than five years since the start of the current recession, youth unemployment remains high, and many young people are seeing self-employment as a chance to break the cycle of joblessness. Since the start of the economic crisis, Europe has witnessed an increase in the number of self-employed young people, and according to recent research, this figure is deemed to rise even further, as young peo...
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MY-WAY aims at enhancing and improving the collaboration and efforts of web entrepreneurship initiatives (hubs, projects, accelerator networks, contests, etc.), web/business experts (accelerators, mentors, etc.), educational actors (business teachers and trainers) and the young adults as the final beneficiaries (through student networks, their alumni and student entrepreneurship centres, the stude...
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An innovative training structure focused on addressing the limited capability of young European ICT future entrepreneurs is needed. This is a challenging task, since existing European ICT entrepreneurship training initiatives are characterised by a general fragmentation and a lack of a ‘learning-by-doing’ training approach. STARTIFY7 is an innovative and ambitious project aiming to go beyond the s...
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ToT and Coaching for Futue Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The “ToT and Coaching for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors” project is the collaboration result of 11 European partner organizations, having various approaches in working with young people: 6 NGO’s helping different target groups to reach their personal and business goals, 3 foundations, which one of them a university, that have vast experience in teaching young people in very diverse sectors, ...
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Sport Versus Obesity

Start date: Sep 10, 2015, End date: May 9, 2016,

Content /background A life which is Inactive and without sports causes man diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. Due to possibilities today’s technology offers such as instruments, moving stairway, we have almost forgotten to move, walk. Now a lifestyle which has no physical activity is regarded as a risk factor equaling with risk factors such as cigarette, high cholesterol, hypertension. One ...
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FutureEnterprise aims at aims at boosting Digital Business Innovation by supporting and coordinating the research activities in Future Internet from the perspective and for the benefit of enterprises. Combining an open innovation approach with Web 2.0 tools, FutureEnterprise will fully align the scope of its activities to the priorities of DG CONNECT Unit E3: Net Innovation.In FutureEnterprise, br...
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Transnational Network for Social Innovation Incubation (TRANSITION)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Transnational Network for Social Innovation Incubation – TRANSITION – is a 30-month project that supports the scaling-up of social innovations across Europe by developing a network of incubators which brings together established partners within the fields of social innovation (SI) and innovation-based incubation (IBI). TRANSITION will also provide learning output on which scaling methodologies are...
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Capacity Building Relay Race (Ca.Bu.Re.Ra.)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

Project in brief Young people are driving forces for the social, cultural and economic development of the Euro- Mediterranean area. Nevertheless, the current situation in terms of unemployment coupled with skills mismatch, lack of work experience and barriers to mobility are often described as the main obstacles hampering the integration of young people into the labour market. Not only can work ex...
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The general objective of the project is the development of a system for improving and certifying the human resources quality and facilitating labor force mobilization in the cross-border region through pilot advisory actions and e-learning practices.The sub-objectives of the project are the following:• The establishment of a Greek-Bulgarian cross-border partnership that will:- assess and transfer ...
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Företagsamhet i hela skolan

Start date: Jul 31, 2010, End date: Jul 30, 2013,

Social Science Research visar att 30 % av de yrkeskategorier som kommer att finnas om 25 år existerar inte idag. UE och UF arbetar för att öka kompetensen hos lärare för att ge barn och unga en skoldag där den kreativa förmågan är hög. Projektet bygger på ett samarbete med utbildning och samarbete mellan skola och näringsliv i Hedmark och Akershus Dalarna och Värmland. Detta kommer att bidra till...
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The MED TECHNOPOLIS is a project for 36 months which consists in: - the creation of technology interface structures (TISs) belonging to the technopolis generation, in all the participant regions - the completion of a cycle of Action-Training Programs (ATPs) and six Regional Action Plans (RAPs), based on INNOV/COMP and R&AT partnerships among the actors of these regions. At the closing Co...
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Female Entrepreneurs´Meetings in the Baltic Sea Region (FEM)

Start date: Aug 14, 2004, End date: Aug 13, 2008,

FEM has promoted womens access to labour markets and entrepreneurship and strengthened the role of women in local and regional development by e.g. training, mentoring, networking and creating meeting-places. Gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming have been key issues in the project. The aim has been to produce sustainable positive changes in the attitudes, processes and methods of economic an...
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Different Cultures - One Humanity

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

The Exchange project " Different Cultures - One Humanity" will take place in Yerevan, Armenia 19-28 July, 2014. This exchange project will be implemented together with 7 countries: Armenia, Georgia,Italy, Romania,Portugal,Ukraine and Latvia. The aim of the project will be to gether 35 young people from different countries to create peaceful space for inter cultural communication and dialogue. The ...
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"Peer to Peer Education for Healthy Life Style" is going to be an YE hosted by Youth4Society organization, which will take place in Tirana, Albania and will gather 35 youth workers and youth leaders motivated to work on health issues from EU, SEE and Turkey. Participants from Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Turkey and Albania will work during 8 days on health issues related to the pr...
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The social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration of any society. Where poverty is endemic to an area, poor communities lack friends and neighbors able to help. Thus, voluntary mutual aid or self-help is an important safety net. This model works well within a state because there is a national solidarity in times of adversity and more prosperous groups will usua...
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This project is meant to significantly achieve two objectives: to enhance the spirit of initiative, entrepreneurship and self-empioyability among 1,500 disadvantaged rural youth woman aged 16-28 and to upgrade the in-house entrepreneurship capacity building know-how of local partners in Kenya, Bangladesh and Fiji.To accomplish these objectives the following activities are foreseen: The implementat...
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Know It, Show It, Share It

Start date: Apr 10, 2012,

3.1 TC "Know It, Show It, Share It" will be organized from 07.07.2012 till 15.07.2012. in Nis, Serbia. It will gather 24 young people from 8 countries - Albania, FYR of Macedonia, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Serbia and Turkey, with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 as a hosting organization. TC will provide volunteers/activists/youth workers with theoretical knowledge and skills as well as methods...
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The EFA wider objectives: Increase Equal Opportunity and reducing the disparity in English proficiency; Increase opportunities for study and teach abroad through improved English language skills; Increase in institutional and national prestige; Increase institutional standardization and internationalization - supporting students and lecturers towards the use of academic literature and teaching ma...
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TIC E COGNITIVISMO will undergo the retraining of teachers in the use of new communication technologies (ICT). This development is not particularly aimed at improving teacher ICT skills, nor allowing better use of ICT in traditional teaching but at improving knowledge of ICT impact and uses in society to enhance teacher interaction with both individual young people (as regards their individual dev...
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Connect – Know-how for new business founders : The “Connect” project has developed distance learning modules on CD-ROM and the Internet and a web portal for exchanges of knowledge with other business start-ups in the same sector and experts from abroad. The learning modules raise issues that are relevant for people starting up businesses, including particular stress on e-commerce, strategies and ...
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In this project, creating new educational materials related with hydrogen energy in the other name hydrogen economy which is not developed yet, to improve knowledge is aimed. For this purpose, created video and audio files, tests and texts is being tried to disseminate by website. Hence, 10 partner foundation and institution employees from different 5 countries are working.
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Avec ce projet, nous voulions travailler sur l'employabilité, la mobilité et l'estime de soi avec les jeunes défavorisés.C'est une base pour avoir dku succès sur le marché du travail et pour donner une perspective d'avenir à la jeunesse.Bien communiquer est important.Nous voulions leur offrir la possibilité de le rendre compte de ses qualités et de vivre une expérience à l'étranger, en particulier...
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-The participants of the Youth for Future Partnership Building Activity are youth workers representing 14 organisations from 11 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Spain, Romania, Turkey and Poland. Our project will be held 2-7 September 2013. The project `s focus is on inclusion youth with fewer opportunities and youth policy on the level of our organisations....
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