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20 European Projects Found

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"SINFONIA utilizes EU funds to bolster public/private resources and provide European added value to already committed district refurbishment master plans of two middle sized European cities (Bolzano, Italy and Innsbruck, Austria), the targeted performances of which combine three key features thanks to industry involvement: i) unique cooperation between the cities belonging to the same climate zone...
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Mobilität während der Lehre

Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2018,

This project shall contribute that the beneficiaries acquire additional practice knowledge in the context of their dual vocational training or after the final examination which is for the further career path of importance. Participants get to know other workflows, products, trends, formulae, aids and design variants. Through this, the knowledge of one's own abilities and creativity potentials are ...
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TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

"TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2016" - „Tyroleans on the Road 2016“The project objective is to promote the transfer of Tyrolean students in vocational education and Tyrolean apprentices to European companies, offering them possibilities to gain work experience and to improve language skills. During their vocational training learners will increase their professional qualification and employability.We ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

sequa is a non-profit organization of the German private sector. Shareholders are Germany's top four business membership organisations DIHK, ZDH, BDI and BDA as well as GIZ. sequa is a globally operating development organisation that has carried out projects and programmes of international cooperation in close collaboration with the German private sector since 1991. VET and mobility of employees i...
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TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

"TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2015" - „Tyroleans on the Road 2015“ The project objective is to promote the transfer of Tyrolean students in vocational education and Tyrolean apprentices to European companies, offering them possibilities to gain work experience and to improve language skills. During their vocational training learners will increase their professional qualification and employability. W...
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A lack of innovation management capacity represents an important barrier to creating economic impact from innovation activities in SMEs. The Horizon 2020 Work Programme “Innovation in SMEs” therefore foresees support services for SMEs via the Enterprise Europe Network addressing this specific issue.The Austrian consortium will support SMEs in addressing factors hindering successful innovation cycl...
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Mobilität während der Lehre

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

This project shall contribute that the beneficiaries acquire additional practice knowledge in the context of their dual vocational training or after the final examination which is for the further career path of importance. You get to know other workflows, products, trends, formulae, aids and design variants. Through this, the knowledge of one's own abilities and creativity potentials are broadened...
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TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2014

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

"TirolerInnen auf der Walz 2014" - „Tyroleans on the Road 2014“ The project objective was to promote the transfer of Tyrolean students in vocational education and Tyrolean apprentices to European companies, offering them possibilities to gain work experience and to improve language skills. During their vocational training learners have increased their professional qualification and employability....
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Tecnologia senza frontiere Technik ohne Grenzen (InterTech)

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

Il settore produttivo impiega nelle regioni Trentino/Alto Adige, Veneto e nelBundesland Tirol tra il 22% e il 30% dei lavoratori e genera da un quarto a un terzo delPIL nelle nostre regioni. A causa della crisi economica e della forte concorrenzadallAsia, le imprese dei settori del metallmeccanico e della plastica ma anchecostruttori di macchine ed impianti subiscono una forte pressione competitiv...
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The Horizon 2020 work programme names the lack of innovation management capacity as “…an important barrier to creating economic impact…” and accordingly as a significant challenge for innovative SMEs. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that consulting services to address these gaps are either not sufficiently available in certain regions, not affordable or not sufficiently tailored to the spe...
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Obiettivo del progetto è aumentare significativamente la competitività delle PMI con lintroduzione di social media. Saranno messe in atto varie attività indispensabili, riassunte in un disegno complessivo. Un ruolo di spicco è svolto da un concorso, che desterà interesse nelle PMI per affrontare creativamente lintroduzione dei social media nelle imprese. Il concorso rende liniziativa accessibile a...
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Il progetto tenta di creare un trasferimento di know how istituzionalizzato tra artigianato e design in Tirolo Sett., Orient. e l´Alto Adige per incentivare e sostenere lo sviluppo di prodotti artigianali innovativi. Fondamentale per il raggiungimento di tale scopo è lo stimolo a cooperazioni di progetto tra istituti di formazione (scuole professionali) e almeno 10 designer professionisti nelle re...
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Obiettivo di COQUIN è determinare la qualificazione e l’implementazione degli innovation assistant nelle PMI in maniera cooperativa a livello regionale e rafforzare la competitività delle PMI. Sullo sfondo di tale cultura di innovazione e cooperazione dovranno essere rafforzate le relazioni economiche ed accelerati i progetti di innovazione a livello interregionale. COQUIN persegue 3 obiettivi con...
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Net IT

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Net IT setzt sich aus 2 Komponenten zusammen: (1) Technisches Netzwerk (Know IT) und (2) Persönliches Netzwerk (Meet IT) ad (1): Im Zuge des Aufbaus eines techn. Netzwerks (= im Internet frei zugängige Plattform) soll der IT-Markt hinsichtlich der IT-Unternehmen, Ausbildungs- und Forschungsreinrichtungen transparent dargestellt werden. Es sollen u.a. folgende qualitätsgesicherte Infos zur Verfügun...
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NENA intends to build an Alpine-wide network of SMEs. The exchange of know-how, the initiation of co-operations, the offer of training as well as image enhancing measures for SMEs are the tasks of this network. NENA will contribute to a better use of existing co-operation potentials by mobilising synergies within and between the different economic sectors.NENA is concentrating on two core fields:1...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

Information and communication technology (ICT) creates opportunities for rural areas to overcome their economic disadvantages. ANT coaches innovative IT pilot projects and implements transnational (tn) and intraregional networking, know-how transfer and education of "local innovators". The project activities are experimented with in pilot telecentres. A socio-economic analysis will be conducted pr...
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"Innovation" is one of the current key issues on European level as well as in all partner countries. According to the aims of Lisbon strategy from 2000 EU is still losing ground on the United States and Japan in the field of innovation and R&D. Therefore, companies need to be encouraged to develop systemic approaches, new skills and competencies linked to the process of innovation, contributing to...
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Innovation ist für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bei der Förderung durch Innovationsförderer und innerhalb der Unternehmen sehr wichtig. Zudem wird eine effiziente und effektive Gestaltung des Innovationsprozesses benötigt. Nur durch genaue Informationen über Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, den Bedarf an Ressourcen und deren Einsatz, persönliche Erfolgsverantwortung, belastbaren Finanzdaten, ist es möglich, die...
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