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Establishing SME Innovation Management Services in the Austrian Enterprise Europe Network (SMEINNOAUSTRIA)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Horizon 2020 work programme names the lack of innovation management capacity as “…an important barrier to creating economic impact…” and accordingly as a significant challenge for innovative SMEs. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that consulting services to address these gaps are either not sufficiently available in certain regions, not affordable or not sufficiently tailored to the specific needs of SMEs. In the course of this action, the Austrian consortium will support SMEs in addressing these factors hindering successful innovation cycles.Activities will be targeted at enhancing the innovation management capacity (EIMC) of SMEs and at providing substantial consulting and support services in the form of key account management (KAM) to beneficiaries of the Horizon 2020 SME instrument. The support will be delivered by experts well experienced in innovation related issues, working for the major innovation and research promotion agencies in Austria.Services will be provided in close cooperation and coordination with the National Contact Points and major regional and national stakeholders, guaranteeing a holistic approach and a high quality of services promoting the successful introduction of Austrian innovations to the European and international market.
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