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YOUNG OPERA MAKERS Programme by enoa

Start date: May 11, 2016, End date: May 10, 2020,

YOUNG OPERA MAKERS PROGRAMME by enoaThe role of creation, development of new forms, exploration of innovative creative processes and audience renewal are all major challenges facing today’s European opera world. Young artists must be the drivers of this change: their training and employability are crucial issues. In a globalized and competitive sector young artists should be fundamentally mobile a...
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Designstem: integrated design + STEM education

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Design-intensive industries play a vital role in the EU economy. The European Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe; raise awareness of how design-driven innovation increases efficiency in public services and drives business growth; create capacity and competencies to deliver these policies (
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

The purpose of the project LABOURGAMES is to scrutinize the dichotomy between work and play. The project’s overall objective is to generate new perspectives on the current labour system in Europe in a playful way by creating both, self-developed games and an in-depth investigation on game mechanics in the world of work.The project is comprised of five consecutive components: RESEARCH, GAME JAMS, G...
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The core idea of YOWOMO2.0-Train is to get youth work in shape for the 21st century. Main target group are both youth workers and their trainers. Education and training for both will be developed to acquire competence and make use of up to date digital technology. This will enable professional youth work to become a player in the digitalisation of Europe increasing digital inclusion, community coh...
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NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NANORESTART)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Currently there is a lack of methodologies for the conservation of modern and contemporary artworks, many of which will not be accessible in very short time due to extremely fast degradation processes. The challenge of NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART) will be to address this issue within a new framework with respect to the state of the art of conservation science. NA...
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Young migrants and refugees have entered European countries but they haven’t entered the public sphere. When they do, it is as characters in other people’s stories - desperate faces, surging hoards and floating bodies - something ‘other’. We rarely hear from young refugees as experts or legitimate voices - even when the news agenda concerns their country of origin. Migrants, it seems are only allo...
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FLORNETs mobility for florists and gardeners 2016

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Who:A) 34 students of Vea and BLOK ( B) 36 staff members of the college and from BLOKC) Host partners: FLORNET as a cooperation between more then 30 partner colleges in floristry/horticulture in AT, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, HU, IT, LU, NL, NO, SE, SI, SK, EL and their regional network (• Individual aims: following a part of their curriculum abroad /carrying...
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European Opera Digital Project

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The European Opera Digital Project will offer audiences a single, authoritative, accessible ‘go to’ online destination for discovering the whole world of European opera. This online platform, Opera.EU (a working title), will have far-reaching editorial content, centring on live streams and a wide range of complete performances, subtitled in at least six languages. It will feature full contextual ...
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NE©XT Accelerator

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

NE©XT Accelerator: Creates transnational entry routes into international careers for generations of talented emerging artists, enabling them to make a living from creative production; Makes cultural/creative incubators more entrepreneurial, innovative and transnational; Boosts transnational mobility and entrepreneurial learning opportunities for arts graduates, art educators and incubator leaders;...
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Corpus - European network for performance practice

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Corpus has as its main objective the production, presentation and dissemination of new performance works, addressing a professional and a general audience. The instrument for realizing these performance works is a consortium. European institutions that have established a robust expertise and legacy in the field of performance, commission artists to develop new ambitious performance work. The conso...
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Transformers! Project 2016

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

“Transformers!” is a two-week long exchange project training experience in which 24 young peoplefrom 6 different cities are brought together in Tanger. They come from Amsterdam,Paris, Rabat, Istanbul, Cairo and Berlin. The participants are aged between 18 and 23 years old andlive in neighborhoods that can be described as deprived. In their daily lives they have to deal withexperiences of discrimin...
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YEBISU empowers employees

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

YEBISU empowers employees The project "YEBISU empowers employees" aims to find instruments to improve the entrepreneurial behaviour of employees. To this end the project intents to develop a set of units of learning outcomes as well as the assessment tool to measure these outcomes for entrepreneurial behaviour on the levels 1 - 5 of the EQF. The units of learning outcomes are meant for the compet...
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CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The strategic partnership „CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate" is directed and coordinated by the University of Liechtenstein, Prof. Urs Meister and DI Carmen Rist-Stadelmann. The aim of the partnership is to establish an intensive cultural and social exchange between the participating students and teachers of the three partner Universities, the Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam, t...
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"TRADERS focuses on developing and testing a framework of methodologies on which art and design (A&D) researchers can rely when working on public space projects in participatory ways. This framework is transferable and aims to enhance the potentials in A&D practices to contribute creatively in processes of urban and branch-related change. The framework will inform and will be informed by a toolkit...
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Excursion weeks, Prague and Madrid

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Kunstschule Liechtenstein is an public-legal foundation of the Goverment of Liechtenstein and to about 80% financed by the State.The Kunstschule Liechtenstein, or, "School of Art Liechtenstein" is in two activity pilars organized. 1. The "Vorkurs" is a pre-vocational and pre-university full-time education for participants after the secondary education. 2. The Bildungskurse, are parttime-couse...
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Radio Mediterranée

Start date: Jul 30, 2016, End date: Feb 27, 2017,

Radio Mediterranée is a project with young people (between 18 and 30) from 5 different countries ( France, The Netherlands, Portugal, Morocco and Germany) and will take place in Tanger (Morocco). During this project, the young people from the different countries will exchange and discuss their experiences and the situations of the refugees in the different countries and will research the situation...
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Young Queer Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

With our Strategic Partnership Young Queer Europe (YQE) we aim to bring non-LGBT organizations and LGBT organizations from different parts of Europe together in order to share experiences on dealing with sexual identity issues in youth work and to learn from each other's expertise and working methods. We have brought a strong coalition of partners together with specific expertise in the field of L...
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Eco Art & Development

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The EVS Project “Eco Art & Development” will facilitate the stay of one volunteer from Germany from 10.08.2015 until 09.08.2016 with Art center - Institution for development and art in Središče/Szerdahely, Slovenia. In this project, volunteer selection will search one young person facing economic and/or social obstacles, thereby facilitating youth with fewer opportunities to be proactive and invol...
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“I Love Project” Contact Making Seminar

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

"I Love Project" Contact Making Seminar is an Erasmus+ KA-1 Mobility of Individuals (young people and youth workers) partnership building activity to be realized in İstanbul, Turkey between 4 - 10 August 2016, by YOUTHART Youth Art Research and Training Association, as an active youth organization with Eurodesk and EVS accreditation and as an active member of European Youth4Media Network, National...
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Second Chance Schools Working with Systematic Measurement of Outcomes

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

A rapidly changing global economy and concerns about the EU ability to create a competitive workforce have focused attention on Member State's education and training systems. Policy reforms have focused on improving the quality and accountability of education and training, through a shift from defining standards based on teaching inputs to learning outcomes .This has impacted on providers of compe...
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CONTEXTAcross Europe, youth are leading and working on social and ecological change projects in order to address the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis. However, youth often express that they need to improve their skills and capacities so that their projects can have long-lasting impacts.AIM & ACTIVITIESThe Youth Changemakers Training: Learning and Sharing for Ecological Sustainability, Communi...
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Young Queer Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

With our youth exchange project 'Visionary Youth (in the initial application known as Young Queer Europe)', 45 LGBT young people from different European countries (plus Morocco) were brought together in order to share experiences on their cultural and sexual identity, to learn from their differences and discover similarities among each other. With this project we aimed on the exchange of ideas and...
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Short Film Pool

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Short Film Pool consists of a catalogue of European short films, which have the artistic and commercial potential to be distributed theatrically all over Europe. Several structures from Germany, France, Portugal, The Netherlands and Switzerland with 29 films have joined the project. Each of the structures has chosen up to 5 short films, recent works of all genres (fiction, animation, documenta...
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Sustainable Futures: Youth Taking Action in your Neighbourhood

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The EVS Project “Sustainable Futures: Youth Taking Action in your Neighbourhood” will facilitate the stay of two volunteers from Poland and Slovenia from 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2015 with European Youth For Action in Berlin, Germany. The project aims to strengthen young peoples engagement as promoters of environmental justice and sustainable alternatives across Europe. In times where envi...
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The Next Step | NGOs and CSR

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

'The Next Step: NGOs and CSR' is a training course which will bring together 31 participants from 13 countries; Malta, Romania, Italy, Slovakia, Estonia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Latvia and Croatia. Its main objective is to equip NGOs with skills needed to understand better the private sector and its perspective and what should and does motivate them to engage in C...
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Transformers! Project 2015

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

“Transformers!” is a two-week long exchange project training experience in which 24 young people from 6 different cities are brought together in one of the network cities. They come from Amsterdam, Paris, Rabat, Istanbul, Cairo and Berlin. The participants are aged between 18 and 23 years old and live in neighborhoods that can be described as deprived. In their daily lives they have to deal with e...
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Raising the pedagogical capacity of Network of Estonian Eco-communities

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

This project was written by the Network of Estonian Eco-communities (NEEC), which is an Estonian NGO, founded in 2008 by people working in training and teaching of sustainability to adults on various levels and people interested in sustainability in general. The objective of NEEC according to its statutes is to promote the formation of a just and ecologically balanced world. A more concrete goal i...
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Capacity Building for Community Educators

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The project will focus on the modernisation and improvement of adult education in the field of bottom-up initiatives for social innovation and sustainable lifestyles. ECCIT Foundation came into being amidst a flowering informal learning culture that in recent years arose among members of ecological community projects in the Netherlands. Its activities build upon the practical knowledge and experie...
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SusLabNWE aims to set up in North-West Europe a networked infrastructure of houses and living laboratories for studying technology-user interaction in real-life home environments at 5 locations around NWE: Rotterdam (NL). Ruhr area (DE). London (UK). Gothenburg (SE) and Zurich (CH). The objective is to become a world-leading networked knowledge hub. well-embedded in the local knowledge infrast...
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Europeana Fashion

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Europeana Fashion is a best practice network co-funded under the CIP ICT-PSP programme and composed by 22 partners from 12 European countries, which represent the leading European institutions and collections in the fashion domain. The consortium will aggregate and provide to Europeana the most outstanding and rich materials about the history of European fashion, include more than 700.000 fashion-...
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Inspired by the merging of the artist’s studio with the research lab to create a hybrid creative space, STUDIOLAB proposes the creation of a new European platform for creative interactions between art and science. STUDIOLAB brings together major players in scientific research with centres of excellence in the arts and experimental design and leverages the existence of a new network of “hybrid” spa...
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WHY ART NOUVEAU?The Art Nouveau style was a great success all over Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. It is well represented, in almost every art form, in museum collections, archives, libraries, photographic archives, and on buildings throughout Europe. After a short period of disinterest, with the arrival of modernist styles, it seems that Art Nouveau is now even ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Description ‘‘Digitising Contemporary Art’ (DCA) is a 30-month digitisation project for contemporary art, i.e. art made after 1945 - a kind of cultural heritage still largely missing from Europeana which is a single access point for European culture.  DCA will create a digital body of high-quality reproductions of 26,921 artworks - paintings...
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Description CO-LLABS is to achieve a European-wide adoption of ICT-based Living Lab services and practices to allow SMEs to improve their innovation capabilities and processes and become part of open innovation environments. The over-all objective of the CO-LLABS Thematic Network is to achieve a E...
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Agros youth Group hosted in Cyprus a multilateral youth exchange titled "Grossing Borders for a Better Europe". The project was organised in Agros village between 02-13 of June 2011. Our partner countries are Austria, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Malta, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Slovenia. Main objectives of this project were to raise awareness of one's own identity and culture and to cross borde...
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PRATICs (Practices, research, Access, Collaboration, Teaching In Conservation) innovates in Contemporary Art conservation research, promotes diversity in practices, with a will to share knowledge and experiences: it links museums, institutions, universities with key issues such as conservation, preservation, education and public access to conservation.The aims are to increase excellence and interd...
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The project aims at presenting the potential, diversity and creativity of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in front of large international audience; providing interconnectivity for the young artists; serving information of young artists in front of active cultural capacities and stimulate the operators to work with young artists, invest in their production and affirmation.
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Start date: May 1, 2011,

ENGINE ROOM EUROPEDeveloping a sustainable future for the European Independent cultural sector Engine Room Europe is a three-year capacity building project dedicated to the sustainable future of the European independent cultural sector through investment in its cultural workers and their creative processes.This objective will be achieved by a three-year programme of Europe wide activities. These ...
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The fundamental objective is the creation of multidisciplinary and cross-cultural collaborations in the field of digital arts that enable innovative forms of artistic expression for Mexican and European artists. This includes the fostering of intercultural dialogue through residencies involving collaborations with technical specialists, theorists and local artists and the establishment of larger a...
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SPAZIO is a high level European formation and creation program for young dance makers , focused on the interdisciplinary character of the dance discipline.Planned during 2 years, SPAZIO is aiming to fill the gaps that exist because of the lack of qualitative and specialized education for contemporary dance makers and to build the necessary fundament of a bridge between that educational level and t...
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