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Capacity Building for Community Educators
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will focus on the modernisation and improvement of adult education in the field of bottom-up initiatives for social innovation and sustainable lifestyles. ECCIT Foundation came into being amidst a flowering informal learning culture that in recent years arose among members of ecological community projects in the Netherlands. Its activities build upon the practical knowledge and experience of international networks for sustainable lifestyles. Contents and methodology of educational programmes that have been developed in these networks are relevant for the current situation in neighbourhoods in the Netherlands where citizens are expected to manage their communities in an ever more self-reliant and independent way. The project aims at 1) translation and adaptation of educational programmes on grassroots activism en sustainable lifestyles from abroad to the context of citizen initiatives in the Netherlands and 2) building the necessary capacity within the own organisation to carry out these programmes. A total of 13 learning mobilities (3 teaching assignments, 1 job-shadowing en 9 training assignments with 9 partners in 8 European countries) will be used during the 12-month project period to foster the coherence of the organisation’s curriculum, improve training skills of staff and spread the use of innovative teaching methods across the organisation. Attention will be given also on the implementation of assessment and certification protocols. During the preparation stage of the project all practical matters will put into place and a procedure for screening will be designed. During the implementation stage the main activities consist of coordination of the mobilities and organising follow-up meetings for participants in the programme. After the project has finished evaluation will take place and follow-up activities will be started. The foundation’s own communication channels like website and newsletter will be used to disseminate the project results among relevant target groups. The expected impact of the project on the organisation is a broader range of programmes offered, professionalising of the management and the creation of a pool of trainers linked closer to the organisation. The expected impact on participants are improved teaching skills, more competence in transmitting relevant knowledge and methods and in facilitating groups. For the longer term, the project will help the organisation find its own unique place in the field of adult education for civil initiatives in the Netherlands.

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