Search for European Projects

StudioLab - a new European platform for creative interactions between art and science (STUDIOLAB)
Start date: Jul 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Inspired by the merging of the artist’s studio with the research lab to create a hybrid creative space, STUDIOLAB proposes the creation of a new European platform for creative interactions between art and science. STUDIOLAB brings together major players in scientific research with centres of excellence in the arts and experimental design and leverages the existence of a new network of “hybrid” spaces to pilot a series of projects at the interface between art and science including Le Laboratoire (Paris), Science Gallery (Trinity College Dublin), Royal College of Art (London), Ars Electronica (Linz) and MediaLab Prado (Madrid) and STUDIOLAB will involve activities along three key dimensions: incubation of art-science projects, education and public engagement.

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