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18 European Projects Found

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Start date: Oct 6, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2019,

Description (EN): The Project Mest op Maat – Dünger nach Maß deals with the whole chain of economic value added in case of conditioning and usage of manure as fertilizer and energy substrate. The fields of activity start from the manure along the direct usage as a fertilizer or as an energy delivering substrate to the preparation towards technical fertilizers and input-substrates fo...
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The XoSoft project will develop a modular soft lower-limb exoskeleton to assist people with mobility impairments. The consortium includes 5 research groups and 3 companies each with EU project experience in exoskeleton/assistive orthoics development. XoSoft, a class I medical device, assists people with low to moderate levels of reduced mobility, enabling them to remain active performing tasks of ...
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The core idea of YOWOMO2.0-Train is to get youth work in shape for the 21st century. Main target group are both youth workers and their trainers. Education and training for both will be developed to acquire competence and make use of up to date digital technology. This will enable professional youth work to become a player in the digitalisation of Europe increasing digital inclusion, community coh...
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Environmental learning innovation for more knowledge and better jobs

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

At the global level it is already known our dependence on a healthy environment and the fact that environmental problems go over national and regional borders. To achieve this aim we need adequate training and access to higher and actual skills through better education and training systems. Mutual learning in field of environmental engineering between important and experimented actors in European ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Problem 5.6 million Young people (18-24) in Europe are early school leavers (ESL). Without the shield from unemployment that is education (ILO 2012), these are 5.6 Million young people at heightened risk of poor participation in the labour market and social exclusion over their entire life course. Exposing 13.5% of all young people in this age group to this increased risk is not only an immense wa...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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European manufacturing industry faces increasing product variances resulting as a consequence of frequent innovation, short product lifecycles, small series production, and shrinking production cycles. At the same time, production cost must be continuously reduced.Agile, transformable and re-usable automation and robotics is be a key enabler to manage those trends. However, few robotic components...
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Current methodologies for detection of food contamination based on heavy analytical tools cannot guarantee a safe and stable food supply. The reasons are the complexity, the long time-to-result (2-3 days) and the cost of these tools, which limit the number of samples that can be practically analyzed at food processing and storage sites. The need for screening tools that will be still reliable but ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The text is in English
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Der Wohnungsmarkt ist auch in der EUREGIO durch einen spürbaren Wandel gekennzeichnet, der insbesondere durch die demographische Entwicklung beeinflusst wird. Die Ergebnisse des Interreg-Projekts Wohnen in Wandel/wonen in beweging (WIW/wib) belegen, dass in dem Wohnungsmarkt eine Sicherung der Produktivität und Wertschöpfung sowie die Entwicklung neuer Märkte nur über Innovationen möglich sind. F...
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North Sea Screen Partnership (NSSP)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

NSSP seeks to tap the potential of the creative industries (i.e. the film industry) to promote innovation and growth in the NSR and increase the regions competitiveness in a global context. Transnational cooperation is concentrated on common challenges, such as marketing, financing and SME support is proposed to tackle issues such as fragmented national markets inhibiting critical mass creation (d...
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Die Vermittlung von lebensnotwendigen Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen, die Schüler für ihre persönliche Entwicklung und Beschäftigungschance benötigen, ist eine der herausfordernden Aufgaben des modernen Schulwesens. Die Schulen sollen sich der Wirtschaft öffnen, den Lernenden direkte Einblicke in die Praxis vor dem Beginn ihres beruflichen Werdegangs ermöglichen und somit den Übergang in den Beruf un...
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Optimierung der aktuellen Modelle der Städte Münster und Enschede zur Integration von Zuwanderern/ Neueinwanderern sowie Entwicklung neuer Integrationssysteme und -methoden; dies erfolgt über den Austausch von Fachwissen und Erfahrungen sowie die Übernahme von Teilen bestehender Integrationsmodelle jenseits der Grenze.Ziel des Projektes ist die Verbesserung der Position des Zuwanderers/Neueinwande...
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Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse des Pilotprojektes (2-EUR-II-1=91) werden Mit-Mach-Projekte zu folgenden Themen angeboten:* TECH & LIFESCIENCE* ENERGY & BUSINESS* AVIATION & AUTOMOTIVE* MECHATRONICS & ROBOTICSDazu werden Workshops entwickelt und zunächst mit Lehrern, dann mit Schülern durchgeführt.
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Die Handwerkskammer Münster beantragt den Aufbau eines Netzwerkes für Zuliefer-Betriebe aus dem EUREGIO-Gebiet. Ziel ist es, die Unternehmen grenzüberschreitend miteinander in Kontakt zu bringen. Dazu wird eine Verknüpfung der bestehenden Internetportale und angestrebt. Die beteiligten Betriebe sollen leichter Partner für Produktion und Vertrieb im Nachbarl...
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