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15 European Projects Found

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Knowledge regarding the complex interplay between agricultural land use and management and soil quality and function is fragmented and incomplete, in particular with regard to underlying principles and regulating mechanisms. The main aim of iSQAPER is to develop an interactive soil quality assessment tool (SQAPP) for agricultural land users that integrates newly derived process understanding and a...
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The research on inclusive education emphasizes investing in training for existing teachers and school leaders as well as for new teachers and understanding that teachers need support. China is not disconnected from these issues. However, there are some barriers to develop inclusive education in society such as attitudes, teacher training and a lack of participation within the vulnerable groups of ...
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To promote European Union/European Integration profile in China and to know the cognition/understanding of EU and European Integration from the Chinese youth in college, not only in the Jean Monnet Programme covered areas, but also in the universities Jean Monnet Programme not yet covered. The Proposal would try to survey the Chinese college students’ understanding of EU and European Integration, ...
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Study on EU Environmental Policy with Economics

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This project aims to establish a team of teaching and research staff including young and bilingual (Chinese and English) staff in the team, so that six courses and a series of lectures on EU studies, including the European Integration studies, EU policy studies, especially environmental policy with economics, will be offered at Sichuan University. Meanwhile training courses and seminars / worksho...
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The EU Environmental Policy and Its Implications for China

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

European Union (EU) has been playing a leading role in environmental protection and global governance on global climate change. The environmental policy in EU has been parts of the EU's guiding common policies. In terms of environmental protection, Countries around the world could learn from EU's experience in environmental protection policy and the effort against global climate change. Over the p...
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In 2008 an estimated 13 million induced abortions were conducted in China. Induced abortions are associated with a high risk of injury or long-term physical and psychological morbidity and a heavy social and economic burden. Most abortions occur in cities and the epidemic affects young and unmarried women as well as rural-to-urban migrant women.The large number of abortions is primarily due to con...
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Key points: This Project is to enhance the research and teaching ability of the young teachers engaged in EU studies in West China, who are counted as backbone force in teaching and researching European integration and the major resource in promoting EU’s visibility, to attract more young faculty’s attention to EU studies and to extend EU’s visibility.Background and rationale of the proposal:In co...
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Although classical swine fever (CSF) has been eradicated in wide areas within the EU the disease is endemic in some new member states particularly in back yard pigs. In order to improve the eradication strategies the project aims are a) the final development and testing of a live marker vaccine candidate for the prevention and improved control of CSF, both orally and intramuscularly applicable; b)...
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As the only European Studies Centre under the Ministry of Education in West China built in 1997, the ESC at Sichuan University covers and has its impact in the five provinces and Chongqing City. It is the European Studies Centre in China covering and influencing the widest areas. In the past 10 years, the ESC at SCU has trained about 100 MA and over 30 Ph.D. postgraduates. It offers a series of co...
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The Lotus Unlimited project is fully equipped to continue the cooperation in the partnership (9 EU & 11 SEA partners) and to further improve the project in the coming years learning from the expertise of previous Lotus projects. Project activities will be:- Consortium meetings: to ensure efficient management & monitoring (general/financial) and to plan activities- The Regional SEA Working Group pl...
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This project brings together 15 youth organisations operating in Europe,'tthinaapd'eputhiEast'Asia and is intended to foster cooperation between European and Chinese youth .organisations by erig^gilfrg in-actions aimed at asserting the positive role of volunteering in curbing youth unemplòymentiBy doing-this we plan increase awareness amongst the participants, and major stakeholders at the pqlítio...
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S1-L13 Lotus II

Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

To promote cooperation between the EU and the Asian countries involved in the project: the project is striving to gradually strengthen the structured long-term cooperation between all partners, which should result in a sustainable network. The project continues to offer the perfect opportunity to boost the exchange of know-how for curriculum development, new teaching methods, international relatio...
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Promotion events in all partner universities and outside Mobility on the 5 levels: Bachelor-Master-Doctorate-Post-doctorate and Staff Staff mobility is connected to priority items: Doctoral schools, Internationalisation of education (IRO Management), ECTS, Quality assurance procedures, Recognition of studies and qualifications, University - enterprise cooperation and curriculum development. Select...
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