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Training Young Teachers and Promoting the EU’s Visibility in West China
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Key points: This Project is to enhance the research and teaching ability of the young teachers engaged in EU studies in West China, who are counted as backbone force in teaching and researching European integration and the major resource in promoting EU’s visibility, to attract more young faculty’s attention to EU studies and to extend EU’s visibility.Background and rationale of the proposal:In context of China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation, China and the EU target on promoting comprehensive in-depth collaboration. The EU’s visibility and influence in West China are in need of enhancement for this target. As Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and the Regional Studies Base under the Ministry of Education, CES at Sichuan University, with over 15 years’ experience of EU/European studies and a group of renowned scholars and young and middle-aged researchers from interdisciplinary background in EU studies, has its strength and experience for this proposed Project, with the support of the largest and most comprehensive university (SCU) in West China. Objectives: To enhance the level and ability of university young teachers engaged in EU studies in West China, particularly in the remote multicultural ethnic areas so as to open more courses on European integration and to promote EU’s visibility in West China.Activities: By renowned scholars’ lectures, open discussions and diverse activities in SCU’s International Week with the European Scholars, to train and improve the young teachers’ understanding of EU and European integration; and through trainings accompanied by interdisciplinary seminars, to enhance their levels and abilities, thus to promote EU’s visibility in West China. Outcomes: To increase the number of young teachers who are able to engage in high-level research and teaching of European integration; to develop courses of EU studies in more universities and colleges in West China and to attract more postgraduates in EU studies.
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