European Projects
Diversity in Unity: European Integration and Europ..
Diversity in Unity: European Integration and European Social Development
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,
As the only European Studies Centre under the Ministry of Education in West China built in 1997, the ESC at Sichuan University covers and has its impact in the five provinces and Chongqing City. It is the European Studies Centre in China covering and influencing the widest areas. In the past 10 years, the ESC at SCU has trained about 100 MA and over 30 Ph.D. postgraduates. It offers a series of courses and lectures on EU studies and European Integration Studies in and outside the campus, and it has published over 360 academic papers, over 10 monographs and textbooks in the EU Studies. Since 1999, the Centre has sponsored over 10 big and medium-size Sino-European academic conferences, several hundreds participants from Europe and China attended, among whom were scholars from the research institutes and universities of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, U.K., Poland, France and Italy. And joined in the conferences were also scholars and postgraduates from the European Studies Centres and research institutes and universities in China. Started from 3 years ago, the ESC at SCU has organized EU Studies Symposium on EU Day each year attracting over 100 postgraduates, faculties and local citizens from both Sichuan and Chongqing, and over 10 doctoral students talked about their research achievements in EU studies in the areas of economics, culture, history, religion, social science and political science at the meetings.Their presentations have been highly evaluated by the scholars from both Europe and China. The symposiums have a wide impact both in and outside the campus. In 2008 Prof. Dr. Jian SHI was granted the honour of Jean Monnet Professor, and this has strengthened the Centre and highly promoted the Centre’s roles in teaching, research and local social services. It has increased the Centre’s impact of EU studies in the region. Together with Beijing University and Nanjing University, the ESC at SCU has joined in the Erasmus Mundus and Lotus Programmes of EU with European partner universities and South-Asian universities, which has promoted the popularity of the ESC, and it has attracted more postgraduate candidates applying for its EU Studies Programmes, and we have to increase our enrolment to meet the demanding. The ESC at SCU has its impact in the EU studies in the academic circle in China and South Asia.Based on the above achievement and impact of the ESC at SCU, we apply for the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Our purpose is to strengthen, through the support of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project, the teaching and research and service ability and quality of the ESC, so as to build an even stronger impact of EU Studies in West China.