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European Integration: Realities and Challenges – Perspective from Chinese Youth
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To promote European Union/European Integration profile in China and to know the cognition/understanding of EU and European Integration from the Chinese youth in college, not only in the Jean Monnet Programme covered areas, but also in the universities Jean Monnet Programme not yet covered. The Proposal would try to survey the Chinese college students’ understanding of EU and European Integration, noting and analyzing the possible differences between cities and universities at different levels. Through debates, information campaigns, speeches, questionnaires and interviews, we will try to know and understand the China-EU Relationship as recognized by the Chinese youth, directly discussing with the students, and obtain their ideas and answers related to the knowledge about European Integration. Brief write up of the key points.1/To promote/understand the European Integration, especially in the area not covered by Jean Monnet Programmes.2/A sustainable project based on the on-going Jean Monnet Programmes in China.3/To gauge and analyze the Chinese Youths' understanding/recognition of European Union.The basic rationales in the proposal are: 1/In the Jean Monnet Programme covered area, the Chinese college students know EU and European Integration better.2/There are differences among the Chinese college students from different cities in their understanding EU and European Integration.Objectives of this proposal are to promote the understanding of European Integration among Chinese college students, highlighting the differences between those covered by the Jean Monnet Programme and those not yet covered by it. It is designed to inform the target groups about EU and European Integration process and to gauge and analyze their understanding/recognition of EU and the integration. This Proposal is a sustainable project based on the Jean Monnet Programmes we have carried out and still been carrying on, and it is a continuation of prior research efforts.

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