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27 European Projects Found

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myVETmobility - mobilities as pathways to 'hidden competences'

Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2018,

Disadvantaged and disabled people need new forms of training and education. In the transition from ‘school to work’ the integration of different practices is connected with the idea to help these target groups, give them self-confidence, increase their competences etc. At this point, mobilities in general create new possibilities for this target group. In contrast to traditional training areas, mo...
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Deltagerne i projektet er elever i Social- og Sundhedsuddannelserne fra SOSU-skolerne øst for Storebælt. Det drejer sig om skolerne: Bornholms Sundheds- og Sygeplejeskole, SOSU C, SOPU København og Nordsjælland, SOSU Nykøbing F, SOSU Sjælland og UC Diakonissestiftelsens Social- og Sundhedsskole. Vetpro-projektet: Implementering af internationalisering i de grundlæggende Social- og Sundhedsuddannel...
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Mobility Makes us Professional

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

We will be sending 40 students and 10 teachers abroad for this mobility coming from different vocational departments of the school, art and craft, beauty, carpenters and electricians. FB wants to provide a competitive vocational education for working life and further studies. We work in good cooperation with employers and the labor market. In Iceland we do not always have placements for all our vo...
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Since 2011 the Vocational School Papenburg (Berufsbildende Schulen Papenburg) has a very successful exchange of traineeships with the IES Puerta Oscura in Málaga. Each year we send apprentices in banking to Spain to train business conversation and conflict management in a foreign language and environment.During the five years we have learnt that internships in stores, hotels and restaurants are b...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1st Mobility (Germany / Darmstadt)The project participants mobility 1 (Germany / Darmstadt) are IT technicians apprentices in the third year. They work nationally on various projects in the industrial, commercial or in computerized problem solving centers . Partly in the private sector and in public institutions.The activity includes the maintenance and inspection of computer equipment, testing a...
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Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3 (OPSM 3) is a two-year project. 77 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Raseko) perform their 2 - 9 weeks work-based-learning period abroad. Host organisations are from Spain, Great Britain, Norway, Germany, Malta, Sweden and Iceland. There are 32 accompanying persons from which 16 is responsible teacher for student's training per...
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European Iron Academy

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

This application for the strategic partnership European Iron Academy consists of 8 partners from 6 European countries. The aim of this total project is to create a follow up education for forging and metal designers in Europe. This will be split into 2 applications. First step (application 2015-2017) is to create a method to visualize competences (technical skills and soft skills) and make these...
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Enhancing the quality of mobility using ECVET

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

FB wants to provide a competitive vocational education for working life and further studies. Our goal is to enhance the cooperation between schools and the labor market. We want to make better use of the EU transparency and use the recognitions tools and dissemination of good practices both formal and informal. We know by making mobilities one of our strongest points we will improve the level of k...
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European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning II

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Participating parties in the project‚ EVC II‘ , are colleges and enterprises in the region of Düsseldorf, Germany, providing training in the dual system. The project will be coordinated by the EU-Office of the District Government of Düsseldorf (GEB). It focusses on the implementation of vocational work placements into both curricula and apprenticeships as a means of individual support for students...
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We are planning to send 40 trainees and 10 members of the educational staff to 5 different partnerships to participate in 8 different courses of study. This includes, except the Dutch partnership, relatively new mobility partnerships and additional courses of study. Moreover, we are asking, within each of the requested project years, to be able to send the development staff to these sites repeat...
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Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 2 (OPSM 2) is a two-year project. 77 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Raseko) perform their 5 - 10 weeks work-based-learning period abroad. Most organisations are from Spain, Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. There are 23 accompanying persons from which 11 is responsible teacher for student's training ...
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Since 2011 the Vocational School Papenburg (Berufsbildende Schulen Papenburg) has a very successful exchange of traineeships with the IES Puerta Oscura in Málaga. Each year we send four apprentices in banking to Spain to train business conversation and conflict management in a foreign language and environment. During the three years we have learnt that internships in stores, hotels and restauran...
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Mobility in Europe 2015-2017

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

De planlagte aktivitetene er: utplassering av 24 lærlinger ( inkludert 8 følgepersoner), 52 elever (inkludert 8følgepersoner), 41 yrkesfaglærere fra hele fylket inkludert 13 følgepersoner, fra over 310 lærebedrifter og 12 opplæringskontor, fra 25 forskjellige fag i løpet av 2 år. Varighet på oppholdet: lærlinger i 13 uker, elever i 2 uker, instruktører fra 5 dager til 1 uke, følgepersoner fr...
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Finland, Malaga, Spania

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Verdal Upper Secondary School has for many years offered parts of the vocational education abroad. This due to the school’s values and wish to be considered a school that focuses on internationalisation. The school has through partnership projects as “Gjør det” and Leonardo gained competence within internationalisation, and all our four vocational programmes have exchange programs with other cou...
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New didactical approach in mechatronics vocational education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The changes in the manufacturing will happen ever faster. Sustainable and customised manufacturing are the main key words to characterize nowadays manufacturing. On the 7th of April 2013 A. Merkel has declared about the beginning of a new industrial revolution – Industry 4.0. It was caused by the new paradigm of the industry, what is connected with increased automation, more flexibility, adaptive ...
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International Nordic Entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project is meant to focus on main goals of the Copenhagen Process, to improve vocational education popularity and quality, to develop, take in use common learning tools and to strengthen mutual learning. The main goal of all Partners in the project is to establish one stronger and closer connection better School and the World of Work. The Partnership consist of 8 partners from 4 Nordic count...
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Sotenet Skills 3 goes with Eurocom Smart

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

SOTENET-network consists of eight Finnish Vocational Colleges which have carried out Sotenet Skills 3 mobility projects and they will continue the work to offer students of Vocational Qualification in Social and Helath Care possibilities to work in European countries to learn language skills, to gain cultural awareness and to learn the contents of the curriculum as well as new working methods. So...
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Paving the way for International Co-operation 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

PIC 2 is a two-year project. 33 VET professionals at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (Raseko) perform their 7 - 12 days mobility period abroad and couple of shorter 3 days visits. Host organisation are from Germany, Norway, North-Ireland (Great Britain), Sweden, France, Lithuania and Spain. Internationalism, multiculturalism, knowledge about different working cultures and vocatio...
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The BBS Soltau are striving to extend, in continuing the Project” European competence for apprentices of the Lower Saxony in the Dual System” their strategies of internationalization and are seeking to create possibilities of participation in the EU employment market for their students, especially considering the apprentices. The mobility measures of Leonardo da Vinci are particularly suited to ac...
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European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The District Government of Düsseldorf is responsible for 78 public vocational colleges with about 7700 teachers and roughly 167000 students from all vocational sectors of which about 93000 are apprentices in the initial dual vocational training. The EU Office of the District Government of Düsseldorf (GEB) co-operates with different vocational colleges in the region in order to promote and to use E...
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Mobility in Europe 2014-2016

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The planned activities are: Mobility of 76 trainees (including 8 following persons), 72 students (including 10 following persons), 98 vocational teachers/instructors from over 150 training companies across the county and 12 training offices, covering 20 different subjects, during two years . Duration of stay: apprentices for 13 weeks, students in VET: for two weeks, instructors for one week, follo...
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Apprenants sans frontières PLUS

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Our project is following our previous experiences. For more than 20 years we have been carrying out mobility in Car vehicle sector supported by ANFA (Association Nationale de la Formation Automobile). Thanks to this experience, the coordinator has been also supported by Conseil Régional de Haute Normandie and has gone on developing mobility projects for pprentices. The success of these actions ha...
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VET staff training (in Eurocom SMART network): There have been profitable student exchanges during years between the European network colleges, but the working life has expressed the difficulties in understanding the learning goals and evaluation sheets of arriving students, so it is important to clarify the common learning outcomes for the students and to design common evaluation sheets in order...
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Nord Irland and Finland

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

For many years some of the vocational students at Verdal Senior Secondary School have been part of their training outside of Norway. This is laid down in the school’s core values and we want to be seen as a school associated with internationalization. 28 students from second year studies in construction, child and youth work and health care will have the opportunity to participate in this project...
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Europa macht mobil am FJBK

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2015,

This project will be the next step on our path towards Europe and the global market. It is supposed to be an attractive opportunity for our students to get their working career started. With the experiences of running successful partnership-projects (Comenius and Leonardo ), first experiences in innovation transfer projects and participation in exchange programs of the district government, we now ...
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The network “European Regions Enhancing Internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training“(EREIVET) has the objective to enhance quantity and quality of learning mobility in vocational education and training. Mobility, recognition of vocational degrees, transparency in vocational education and training, the cooperation between different partners in vocational education and training are mai...
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During the project webLab an advanced training concept (ATC) for teachers and trainers has been developed and tested which helps teachers to accompany vocational internships abroad on a web based as well as an individual basis. As background to the project, this charges a systematic preparation, implementation and evaluation of stays abroad. As an orientation the role-based competence balance has ...
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