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6 European Projects Found

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Teaching for Tomorrow

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

This project has emerged out of a shared vision of a pragmatic approach to the development of the basic and transversal skills associated with 21CL, in response to changes in society and the world of work. Our rationale is echoed in the OECD/PISA documentation that measures students' abilities to apply “their knowledge to real-life situations and be equipped for full participation in society”. The...
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Mobilität in pflegerischen und sozialpädagogischen Einrichtungen VII

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Applicant and sender on the German side is the Herman-Nohl School (HNS, Hildesheim), with students from the technical school-educational care, college and vocational school social care for the elderly. In addition, educational staff of theory and practice in learning stays, among others within the meaning of job shadowing, deploys. The pupils are at an advanced stage of their training and deepen t...
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This 2 year project aims to improve our school in its entirety in the areas of cooperative and self-organized learning forms and inclusion. Furthermore will several participants improve their Italian language skills, which are essential for our European School. We also hope to connect with this international project all educators in the different parts of the school and to enhance their identifica...
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Sotenet Skills 3 goes with Eurocom Smart

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

SOTENET-network consists of eight Finnish Vocational Colleges which have carried out Sotenet Skills 3 mobility projects and they will continue the work to offer students of Vocational Qualification in Social and Helath Care possibilities to work in European countries to learn language skills, to gain cultural awareness and to learn the contents of the curriculum as well as new working methods. So...
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The objective of the project is the introduction to the acquisition of international occupational competence through foreign language, professional, personal and intercultural competence extension. A result is an increase in the mobility of pupils in these programs. Participating students should expand their international competence through new linguistic, professional and social experiences in Fi...
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Let's start

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Brenes is a small town near Sevilla, the population is about 12,000 inhabitants. The economy is mainly based on agriculture and high rate of migrate families. It is considered a disadvantaged area for these reasons, both from an economical and sociocultural point of view. IES Jacarandá is the only post secondary school education provider in town, so we have all the population older than 12, who a...
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