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Mobilität in sozialpflegerischen und sozialpädagogischen Bildungsgängen VI
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the project is the introduction to the acquisition of international occupational competence through foreign language, professional, personal and intercultural competence extension. A result is an increase in the mobility of pupils in these programs. Participating students should expand their international competence through new linguistic, professional and social experiences in Finland, Spain (Andalusia) and Denmark. At the same time greater transparency of these courses for our project partners in terms of profile, required skills and qualifications should be made with the implementation of the projects. Furthermore, the cooperation with the host organizations should be deepened. Took part students from the technical school social (work field elementary education and youth work) of college-educational care (practice field institutions for the disabled), a student of vocational school occupational therapy, which also had to carry out in practice field Disabled field the basic internship, and students of the Vocational School elderly. Content of the project was in Spain a one-week language course at the language school CLIC in Seville and a six-week internship in an institution for the disabled and in a residential facility and workshop for adults with disabilities in Santiponce / Sevilla and means of elementary education, and daycare. In Denmark, the six-week internships were in a youth welfare institution and in a school and residential facility for disabled persons possible, and in a daycare. New was the mobility in facilities for the elderly in outpatient and inpatient sectors. In Finland could mobilities in institutions for the disabled in school settings and in a residential facility, and are performed in daycare. Classes at the school CLIC should convey knowledge of Spanish that. A coping in everyday situations and in the internship, this was uniformly described by the students as a very useful experience with very good learning success The linguistic preparation for the learning stay in Finland and Denmark was conducted by courses in Hildesheim in the local language. Target in internship was to the specific and differing concepts of working with children, young people and people with disabilities and elderly people to learn in all countries know to convey the knowledge gained in the home country, and discuss different approaches in educational institutions, and thus to develop an understanding of different approaches in the countries and to understand. This has been an improvement in the professional, linguistic social and intercultural skills for the participants and for us as promoters to further intensify the cooperation with our project partners. The beneficiaries get the Europass and an attestation of stay for testimony.
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4 Partners Participants