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Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten in kooperativen, selbstbestimmten und inkludierten Lernformen und sprachliche Fähigkeiten
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This 2 year project aims to improve our school in its entirety in the areas of cooperative and self-organized learning forms and inclusion. Furthermore will several participants improve their Italian language skills, which are essential for our European School. We also hope to connect with this international project all educators in the different parts of the school and to enhance their identification with the school. There will be 27 participants from our school. The following countries were chosen as partners for our school, which are known particularly for cooperative and self-organized learning forms: Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy and Denmark. To improve our school concerning the topic “Inclusion”, we chose Italy, which has made already for decades experience in including children with different challenges into the “regular” classroom. In Italy some participants will also absolve a language course. All participants are teachers and educators from our school, some of whom have a migration background themselves and intercultural experience. During each project the participants will observe lessons and the organization of the daily school activities. They will collect ideas, impressions and materials in order to spread them via the different school conferences and via a special inset day to all members of our school. We hope that the different experiences by means of the visits abroad will change the living and learning in our school significantly and will create our school and lessons more motivating and useful for our students. We wish that our school will become a learning place for everybody according to everyone’s individual needs and that we will get closer to our goal “inclusion”. In long-term we will use the results and the impact of the school visits to optimize the quality of our school and to communicate them also beyond our school, as for example the local press, in school publications and in regional professional development events. During all visits, the participants will observe lessons and the organization of daily school life. They will gather those ideas, impressions and materials and multiplicate them to our school and the concerning gremiums. We also plan to have an inset day on the concerning topics, during which the participants of this project will play a major role. We sincerely hope that the gained impressions during those visits abroad will change and improve the daily learning and living in our school and help to make it a more motivated place for our students, where they can learn to all their individual needs.

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