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30 European Projects Found

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Stereotypes: Tackling Adverse representations in School

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Each of the schools is located in a ethnically homogenous, economically underperforming and culturally traditional region and many of our students do not have experience of encounter individuals who represent ethnographic diversity. The project is intended to challenge the widely held stereotypes our students encounter and often accept without question. We intend to focus on students aged betwee...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project ‘Mission-Maths’ is to enhance students’ practical maths knowledge to be applied in other fields of science and everyday situations and to develop teachers’ competence in innovative maths teaching methodology. Students lack basic maths skills, their mathematical knowledge gained at school is too theoretical and they cannot apply it in real life situations, although they can solve probl...
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Developing Research and Pedagogy

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Hall Meadow Primary School s located on the edge of a market town in the East Midland and has been established since 2003.It now functions at full capacity with 7 single form entry classes from reception to year 6. Graded as an outstanding school since our last inspection in 2008, we work with an ethos which encourages, Respect, Responsibility and Reflection. Through a pedagogy that attends to th...
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General objectives:In the past 5 years Friesland College managed to increase the number of teachers and students going abroad. We actively support these international mobilities, not only in Europe but also in developing countries. The objective is to create more awareness of the growing globalisation and the impact it has on our lifestyle and the economic development in Europe and beyond. We w...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project´s main objective is to apply gamification to the educational field, using ludic activities to learn. It’s a perfect cooperative tool which will allow us to bring Maths closer to our students. An active and creative Maths learning facilitates the students incorporation to the labour market, as it helps our students to make decisions, solve problems and fosters their creativity. In add...
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The project "We Are the Same - My Needs, Your Expectations. Changing the Image of the Person with a Disability Through the Implementation of the Innovative Program" will be implemented over a period of 24 months. Applying institution is Zespół Szkół Specjalnych nr 10 im. ks. prof. J. Tischnera in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, educating students with multiply disabilities, intellectual disabilities, physical d...
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Building up Bridges towards Autonomy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The main objective of the project is the development of a partnership among four schools in Portugal, United Kingdom, Poland and Spain that want to create a new methodology in which the students will be the center of the whole teaching / learning process. The partner schools have already been using strategies and practices concerning the development of independent work, problem-solving and critic...
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Kwaliteitsborging met ECVET : de docenten aan zet!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

General objectives : The project is focused on Quality Assurance and validation if Learning Outcomes n the framework of EQF en ECVET. The teachers play a crucial role in this proces. In order to get a good description of Learning Outcomes and Learning units for students, it will be necessary the communicatie intensively with the partner institutions for sharing and exchanging information on curr...
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This exciting project is aimed to support the whole school improvement, teaching and learning, within the Complex Needs and Severe Learning Difficulties environment. Hall School, located in Norwich, is a special school with a specialism in Communication and Interaction. There are approximately 80 students on roll, each with severe learning difficulties and complex needs. The students are aged betw...
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Professional Development - A multicultural Approach To Learning

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project is intended to inform the teaching and learning to secure the best possible outcomes for children. By exploring highly effective practice and a multicultural approach to learning, we intend to inform and develop our own practice as educators and also to share and disseminate this practice within our own school, our local schools and eventually internationally with our partner schools....
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School European Professional Development

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Barrow Hall is a large three form entry Primary school in an urban area in Warrington, Cheshire. The learning of Spanish spreads throughout Lower and Upper key stage two whilst Key Stage one focuses on basic German and some French. As a whole staff we are determined to build on the current strengths of our school. We value the learning of MFL throughout the school as it allows children to be accu...
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Schule als zentrale Institution für nachhaltige Bildung

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The new implemented year 10 + is meant to provide a link between the year 10 (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and the beginning of the advanced level education (year 11 and 12). This additional year is going to be split into modules to come to an improved individualization of teaching and learning. Many studies, e.g. the new Jako-o-Study 2014, show a distinct dissatisfaction with the ...
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Diversity and Cultural Awareness around the European Union

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

This project will have 5 partners from from West Central and East of the European Union the countries are Bulgaria, Ireland, Slovenia, Poland and UK. We are looking for 12 young people and two leaders from each city to come together to learn different cultures during this Cultural Youth Exchange. The project will take place at The Eccles Hall School in Rural Norfolk. This is a residential school ...
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Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne kluczem do lepszej przyszłości

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

„ Modern technology – key to a better future” Gimnazjum nr 2 im Ziemi Trzcianeckiej is a junior secondary school that was established in 1999. There are 335 students and 40 teachers here. The Erasmus Plus Project is for us the answer to all questions related to quality and methods of teaching in the modern world. While teaching we connect knowledge, education, culture and creativity. But we know, ...
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Disability What is it

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

This project will have 5 partners from across the European Union the countries are Bulgaria, Czech rep. Hungary. Italy and UK. We are looking for 12 young people 4 accompanying adults and two leaders from each country making a total of 70 participants to come together to learn different cultures during this Cultural Youth Exchange. The project will take place at The Eccles Hall School in Rural N...
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Breaking down boarders through Culture and Art

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This project will have 4 partners from Azerbaijan, Italy, Ukraine and UK. This is a continueation of the project we hosted in Norfolk during April 2015. This project will involve 15 young people and 2 leaders from each country. The theme of this exchange isBreaking down Boarders through Culture and Art. This project has 4 partners 2 from the European Union and 2 from Eastern Europe. Last years pro...
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The project titled: Modern teacher in a Modern School - Establishing European Standards of Education for Students with Disabilities Using the Latest Technology will be implemented over 24 months. Applicant organisation is Zespół Szkół Specjalnych nr 10 im. ks. prof. J. Tischnera in Jastrzębie-Zdrój educating children with multiple disabilities, students with intellectual or physical disabilities, ...
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East & West come together as one

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

This project will have 4 partners from Aserbaijan, Georgia, Italy and UK ; 2 of the sending organisations are from outside of the European Union with the other 2 from inside.. We are looking for 15 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (eg rural isolation, living in care, single parents, school refusers) each city to come together to learn different cultures during this Cultural Youth Exch...
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Continuing Professional Development for Hall Meadow Primary School

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

This project is intended to inform the practice of teaching and learning to secure the best possible outcomes for children, particularly those identified as vulnerable. By exploring highly effective practice in international contexts, it is our intention to inform our own curriculum development to secure high levels of pupil engagement so that they persevere in acquiring the key knowledge and ski...
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European Cultural Awareness

Start date: Feb 23, 2015, End date: May 22, 2015,

This project will have 5 partners from Romania, Greece, Lithuania, Denmark and UK. We are looking for 12 young people from each city to come together to learn different cultures during this Cultural Youth Exchange. There will be an international day of cultural awareness. With each partners preparing and presenting food from their country for an international meal this will be followed in the eve...
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The demographic and economic situation in all parts of the South Baltic (SB) area calls for actions towards a more integrated labour market. Common challenges in this area are shrinking and ageing work forces and a lack of highly-qualified workers. In addition, the Southern and Eastern parts of the area have to cope with high overall unemployment. Improving qualification of workers and unemployed...
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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic...
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The project aims at promoting mutual understanding through ‘people to people’ cooperation between after-school institutions in Satu Mare and Zakarpatska counties in the fields of visual art, traditional dance and instrumental music. Main activities: Technical meeting of the project team, Launch, visibility and project completion, Organization of communication structure, Workshops, The development ...
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New Generation – Our hope for a better life (HUSKROUA/0901/014)

Start date: Dec 14, 2010, End date: Oct 13, 2011,

Overall objective: The development of the transboundary inter-ethnical relationships in the Tyachiv, Rakhiv (UA) Districts and Maramures County in terms of Romanians, Ukrainian and Hungarian traditions. Specific objectives:• social cultural exploration from the project region;• dialogue stimulation between students, teachers and community representative ;• promotion for social cultural opportuniti...
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Connected Cities (CC)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

European citizens travel much further to work and leisure facilities today than in the past. Despite bringing benefits, this huge increase in mobility has led to traffic congestion and pollution, holding back efforts to achieve sustainable development. Public transport can form the basis of more sustainable approaches to mobility. However, the mismatch between older public transport networks and m...
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Our vision recognises technologies are becoming commonplace within everyday lives but can also be used for powerful learning experiences in and outside of the traditional education environment. Our aim is to embed mobile technologies (handhelds) within mainstream learning in and out of the classroom by integrating training on mlearning within initial teacher training and in service training/contin...
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The project EDUECO ‘Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management’ is to build up educational capacities in universities in Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro to support sustainable economic development of food production based on ecological principles.The project focuses on:- Capacity building and professional network development among Western Balkan unive...
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During Youth Summit 2010, 18-23 April, some 200 young people will meet other youth and decision makers in workshops regarding preservation of nature, animals and surroundings in different parts of Europe, as well as being part of social inclusion in doing this. All in a strict non-formal way, this will be done in workshops in the Wildlife park of Kolmården. The participants have a background with ...
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The partnership, consisting of twelve Steiner Waldorf Schools in eight countries along with six associated partners from these countries, created and implemented a European Portfolio Certificate (EPC) for students who complete a Steiner Waldorf School education at the end of the secondary level, open to adaptation by other interested schools. The partnership developed common criteria for a Europea...
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