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Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne kluczem do lepszej przyszłości
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„ Modern technology – key to a better future” Gimnazjum nr 2 im Ziemi Trzcianeckiej is a junior secondary school that was established in 1999. There are 335 students and 40 teachers here. The Erasmus Plus Project is for us the answer to all questions related to quality and methods of teaching in the modern world. While teaching we connect knowledge, education, culture and creativity. But we know, that innovations based on modern technologies motivate students learning, reduce school failures as well as enhance the teacher’s profile. Doing the project we are going to: increase our ICT abilities using modern technology in the classroom, make our curriculum innovative and learn foreign languages. Our aim for the future is to continue the school partnerships and work together on a new project connected with job market, unemployment and career awareness. We are planning to exchange ideas that will be helpful for our students concerning the job market. The course, that we are going to attend, will help to improve our ICT abilities and enrich our school’s strategy plan with innovative methods of teaching. The aim of the project is to develop our students’ intellect and their communication skills. We are sure that using modern technology changes the way they see the world. The project’s participants are 6 teachers (two foreign language teachers, two ICT /Math’s teachers, a science teacher and a polish teacher) who will spread the ideas to the rest of our school staff. The next project we are going to work on will include our students. Our main goal is to introduce modern technology to our school and homes as well as to promote our school in the region and Europe.
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3 Partners Participants