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18 European Projects Found

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Two of our teachers for French an Spanish will take part in the mobility programme which consists of training courses abroad for foreign language teachers . The aim of the project is to improve the linguistic and didactic competences of the teachers in order to enhance a good quality of teaching and to promote the communicative and intercultural competences of the pupils. Furthermore, the exchang...
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Crossing Borders: New Approaches to Inclusion

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Cooperation of students (aged 13-15) from Denmark/Spain/Poland and Austria with people with special needs carrying out activities and workshops on a national level in different cultural / social / sports / environmental and arts contexts in order to foster social inclusion. Throughout the course of the project, there will be various opportunities to involve people with disabilities and special n...
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International Environmental Exchange 2016

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2016,

In light of the evironmental challanges facing the world of today this project aims to raise awareness of environmental consequences and issues.The project aims to create a platform where we can raise the awareness of students and their teachers on the environmental challenges facing the world today. The project will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing and dissemination on global environmental an...
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Developing and Documenting Sign Bilingual Best Practice in Schools

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Our careful analysis has shown that - in Europe we lack focused knowledge about the use of national sign languages in education; - in Europe there is no overview available on forms of sign bilingual education; - there is pressing need to support teachers who work bilingually with a signed language by enabling them professional development; - in the 3 German-speaking countries there is a great dema...
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Creative language teaching- motivating students

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Topic: Creative language teaching- motivating students Number of participants: 20 (one class) and 13 (in the other class) Form: 5th and 7th form (of the language class) ( 1st year and 3rd year of learning English; ) Title: English is not just a subject, it’s a passion ! Context, objectives and benefits:I did a project on resource-based learning, that is to say that I worked with the Circle Model. ...
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We are five teachers currently employed at the BG/BRG St Martin which is a secondary school in Villach, Austria. Next year we will be celebrating 20 years of International Bilingual Teaching (IBT) in which at the moment, most subjects are taught in English. One of the applicants is new to our team and plans to introduce mathematics to the programme in the coming school year. The IBT programme itse...
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Introducing a new school subject: English for the natural sciences

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The project at hand involved the introduction of a new subject in upper-secondary grammar school, "English for the natural sciences", and all the staff training, professional/organisational development, and evaluation measures associated with it. Our utmost aim has been to enable students to acquire the skills necessary to follow and actively take part in scientific discourse carried out in Englis...
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Methodenvielfalt im Sprachenunterricht

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Project background The cultural and linguistic diversity at BG/BRG Diefenbachgasse brings both challenges and opportunities. Strengthening the European identity of the students has to go hand in hand with strengthening the European identity of the teaching staff. This is one of the reasons for this project. The other reasons are the promotion of language skills of a team of young language teachers...
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Pädagogischer Aufenthalt

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

From April 4th to April 15th 2016, I will visit Nes Videregaende Skole in Arnes, Norway. The program called "Pedagogical Visit" is designed for Austrian teachers to get to know foreign schooling systems in other European countries. During my stay, I will be coached by Mrs. Turid Norum, a norwegian collegue teaching in Arnes. I am planning the following activites during my visit in Arnes: 1) Monito...
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Open Discovery Space aims to serve as an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already rich existing educational content base. First of all, it will demonstrate ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources. It will promote community building between numerous schools of Europe and emp...
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Linguistic diversity as an opportunity - Promoting linguistic, didactive and creative competences Since more and more significance is attributed to the knowledge of languages in our globalized and networked world and since this has proved to be a unique opportunity for our students and their future, it is one of the main aims of our school to offer a wide variety of different languages as subjects...
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Lehrerfortbildung: Sprachen, Kunst und Kultur

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

Project background Grammar school GRG3 Radetzkystraße, Vienna, can proudly look back at a long tradition of its “scientific branch”. Within the framework of the proposed school development, the newly-formed second grammar school branch should focus on foreign languages, art and culture. The project should enhance the image of the school as culturally open-minded institution in terms of the Europ...
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Ochrana přírody bez hranic (CZ.04.4.83/

Start date: Sep 30, 2005, End date: Aug 30, 2006,

Základním cílem projektu je rozvoj tvůrčího přístupu dětí ve věku 10 - 18 let k tématice ochrany přírody, vzájemné spolupráce a rozvoje vzájemných vztahů bez ohledu na přítomnost hranice - tedy v přeshraničním, česko-rakouském kontextu. V rámci projektu bude realizováno společné vzdělávání cílové skupiny dětí a rozvoj jejich dovedností v oblasti práce s fotografickým přístrojem, fotografováním pří...
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Youth Parliament: Latin America – Europe – Africa: A Dialogue That Unites With this project the Goethe-Institut Uruguay wishes to take up the slogan "For a Better World" coined by the European-African Youth Summit 2007 and, together with school students form Latin America, Africa and Europe, give it substance and develop it further at a Youth Parliament in Montevideo. At this future workshop the p...
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil...
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The new and larger European Union has led to dynamic changes in the area of migration. This means new educational, professional and cultural challenges for many. The activities within this project are intended to explore how well our students are equipped to become active European citizens and - most importantly - help them acquire the necessary skills for this process. It is worth emphasizing tha...
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The partners want to connect within two important learning areas and from there develop lasting and sustainable projects.1. Content: Prepare the ground for self- responsible, conscious/purposeful, climate considerate action in different life issues of the persons involved.2. Method of teaching: International training of teachers in "cooperative learning" method.Ad 1: a) It is planned to collect, i...
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Wir haben ein riesiges Problem: den Klimawandel. Wir wissen recht viel, doch unser Handeln ändert sich nur sehr langsam. In unserem Comeniusprojekt „KKK – Mit Kreativität und Kultur gegen Kohlendioxid“ | ’CCC - with Creativity and Culture against CO2’ möchten wir mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern innovative und kreative Wege suchen, das Problem lustvoller, unterhaltsamer, emotionaler, phantasievo...
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