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Sprachenvielfalt als Chance - Kompetenzförderung im sprachlichen, didaktischen und kreativen Bereich
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Linguistic diversity as an opportunity - Promoting linguistic, didactive and creative competences Since more and more significance is attributed to the knowledge of languages in our globalized and networked world and since this has proved to be a unique opportunity for our students and their future, it is one of the main aims of our school to offer a wide variety of different languages as subjects to our students. Yet the teaching of foreign languages has changed significantly throughout the last couple of years, which - apart from the requirements of standardized testing and the call for enhancing students' competences - proves to be a challenge for language teachers. Faced with these new challenges and requirements, it is therefore the aim and need of our school to have foreign language teachers attend courses abroad in order to improve their linguistic, didactive and creative skills and competences. In the course of this year's project three foreign language teachers from the departments English, French and Italian are going to attend training courses which focus primarily on innovative and motivating teaching methods. After attending these training courses, the participants are not only invited to share, try out and evaluate new teaching methods with their colleagues at home but also to build up a network with teachers from other European countries. The long-term results and consequences of this project, however, should not only be a personal benefit to the participants. Especially by making use of these new and creative teaching methods in their language classes can our students be encouraged to enhance their skills and linguistic competences, to enjoy speaking a foreign language and most of all to grasp and regard this linguistic competence as a unique opportunity for their own future.

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