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Methodenvielfalt im Sprachenunterricht
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background The cultural and linguistic diversity at BG/BRG Diefenbachgasse brings both challenges and opportunities. Strengthening the European identity of the students has to go hand in hand with strengthening the European identity of the teaching staff. This is one of the reasons for this project. The other reasons are the promotion of language skills of a team of young language teachers as well as finding partners for future Europe-wide projects. Project objectives The Erasmus + project of the BG / BRG Diefenbachgasse sees the enhancement of methodological diversity as its primary goal. Thus, six language teachers are sent to structured training courses to Ireland, England and France. Further objectives of the school are in dealing with dropouts, the promotion of literacy and numeracy as well as the handling of standardized test formats . Findings on these topics will be gained by exchanging knowledge and experience with colleagues at a European level. Project implementation Project implementation and evaluation will be accompanied by expert group meetings, discussions within the SQA and the school management team. Results, impacts and benefits The expected long-term benefits lie in gaining further methodological and didactic knowledge. In addition, the European identity of both staff and students should be strenghtened.

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