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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a common fatal inherited disease with a frequency of 1 in 2500 live births, affecting approximately 36,000 (0.737/10,000) people in the EU. Chronic bacterial pulmonary infection leading to an irreversible decline in lung structure and function is the main cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with CF, with more than 95% of deaths due to respiratory failure. Pseudomon ...
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"The purpose of Project VALCRI is to create a Visual Analytics-based sense-making capability for criminal intelligence analysis by developing and integrating a number of technologies into a coherent working environment for the analyst we call the Reasoning Workspace. Conceptually, the Reasoning Workspace comprises three areas: (i) a Data Space which will enable an analyst to see what data and them ...
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Over 2 billion people worldwide have different types, degrees, or combinations of disability, literacy, digital literacy or aging related barriers that impede or prevent use of ICT. Not long ago you could live without access to ICT quite well. However today access to ICT is required for most education, employment, and commerce, and is increasingly required for travel, health, safety, daily living ...
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Today physical security equipment and systems are very diverse in technology, concept of operations, application areas and performance. Similar security products are difficult to compare in terms of performance, accuracy, usage, trust and validation of functionality. Currently, there are very few certification procedures in Europe mutually recognized by differentMember States. This leads to fragme ...
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PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives (PREFORMA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Description Research Procurement for Digital PreservationMemory institutions are handling an increasing number of transfers of electronic documents and other media content for long term preservation. Preservation models are often inspired by ISO 14721:2003, known as “the OAIS model”, where transfers and preservation are built on informati ...
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Silicon Carbide Power Technology for Energy Eficient Devices (SPEED)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Highly efficient Power Electronics (PE) employed in power generation, transmission, and distribution is the prerequisite for the Europe-wide penetration of renewable energies; improves the energy efficiency; increases the power quality and enables continuous voltage regulation, reactive power compensation and automated distribution. It also facilitates the integration of distributed resources lik ...
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The main objective of PneumoNP is the development of a theragnostic system for the treatment of lung Gram-negative bacterial infections. As a proof of concept PneumoNP will focus the attention on Klebsiella pneumoniae caused infections. A diagnostic kit will be developed to enable a rapid and precise identification of the bacteria strain causing the infection and avoid the use of wide spectrum a ...
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BIO-GO-For-Production is a Large Scale Collaborative Research Project that aims to achieve a step change in the application of nanocatalysis to sustainable energy production through an integrated, coherent and holistic approach utilizing novel heterogeneous nanoparticulate catalysts in fuel syntheses. BIO-GO researches and develops advanced nanocatalysts, which are allied with advanced reactor con ...
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In this project a cost-competitive, energy-efficient and durable integrated PEMFC based power system operating on low-grade (crude) bioethanol will be developed for back-up and off-grid power generation. Back-up and off-grid power is one of the strongest early markets for fuel cell technology today. Wireless communication systems are rapidly expanding globally, and the need for reliable, cost-comp ...
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ACTPHAST is a unique "one-stop-shop" European access centre for photonics innovation solutions and technology support (Access CenTre for PHotonics innovAtion Solutions and Technology support). ACTPHAST will support and accelerate the innovation capacity of European SMEs by providing them with direct access to the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of Europe's leading photonics research cent ...
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Security checks at borders are required to be increasingly thorough and fast. There are currently two types of technologies available for this application: those that automatically detect objects concealed on a person, and those that rely on human operator analysis and interpretation in order to classify or identify body-borne threats.The objective of TeraSCREEN is to combine these two capabiliti ...
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"The goal of the project is to study, design and analyze on a risk-based approach a security system relying on multiple technologies for the protection of space control ground stations (SCGSs) against physical and cyber attacks and for intelligent reconfiguration of the ground station network in the case that one or more nodes fail.The SCOUT system is composed of three subsystems:1) A distributed ...
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The Value Chain from Microalgae to PUFA (PUFAChain)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The overall goal of the project is to develop a robust scientific and technological basis for substan-tiating strategic and technical decisions for the industrial development of high-value products from algae. This shall contribute to develop this new and sustainable resource for market. The concept of the proposal is strictly oriented to the value chain of microalgae. Starting at the very end of ...
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17 partners from11 countries covering all building life cycle will develop an innovative Integrated Evolutionary Design Methodology that can allow the stakeholders to predict the current and future energy efficiency of buildings (both at individual level and neighbourhood level) and make better informed decision in optimising the energy performance at building life cycle level, including operati ...
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Training network on tRAcking in compleX sensor systems (TRAX)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"In today’s society, massive amounts of electronic sensors surround us that are tracking objects for the purpose of healthcare, surveillance, retail oriented commercial purposes and many others. Modern sensors generate very large amounts of data, however, due to current technical limitations, it is nearly impossible to integrate large scale data from many different and complex sensors to track ver ...
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DIAmond Devices Enabled Metrology and Sensing (DIADEMS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The DIADEMS project aims at exploiting the unique physical properties of NV color centres in ultrapure single-crystal CVD-grown diamond to develop innovative devices with unprecedented performances for ICT applications. By exploiting the atom-like structure of the NV that exhibits spin dependent optical transitions, DIADEMS will make optics-based magnetometry possible.The objectives of DIADEMS are ...
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EcoShopping project aims to build a holistic retrofitting solution for commercial buildings to reduce primary energy consumption down to less than 80kWh/m2 per year and increase the share of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) more than 50% compared to the state of the art. The approach will be systemic by developing (1). Novel thermal insulation solutions using cost effective materials to further redu ...
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PeRceptually Optimised VIdeo compreSION (PROVISION)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Around 50% of the human brain is dedicated to vision processing. This perhaps explains our capacity to be entertained, challenged and informed by visual information. Video technology is now pervasive, with mobile video, terrestrial and satellite HDTV, Blu-ray players, digital cameras, video telephony, multimedia messaging, video conferencing and surveillance all underpinned by efficient signal rep ...
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FoAM-BUILD will develop next generation External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) for new builds and retrofitting applications. This comprises innovations in:1) Insulation material: development of new, lightweight and highly insulating nano-cellular foams, with a 50% reduction in thermal conductivity compared to conventional insulation elements. Non-halogenated nano-based flame retarda ...
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EXplosives PrEcursor Defeat by Inhibitor Additives (EXPEDIA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"The objectives of the EXPEDIA project are both to inhibit some frequently used explosive precursors and to increase the knowledge about “garage chemistry”. With this we mean, increasing the understanding of how terrorist’s create homemade explosives (HME), what chemicals they start from and where they find them in the open market. But also, to increase the understanding of how easily a HME can be ...
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Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support today's information society as inter-system communication enabler.Consequently boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role. At the same time, multi-core and ma ...
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Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies (LEMCOTEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The main objective of the LEMCOTEC project will be the improvement of core-engine thermal efficiency by increasing the overall pressure ratio (OPR) to up to 70 leading to a further reduction of CO2. Since NOx increases with OPR, combustion technologies have to be further developed, at the same time, to at least compensate for this effect. The project will attain and exceed the ACARE targets for 20 ...
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Description High-resolution fingerprint sensors based on a matrix of interconnected piezoelectric nanowires (NWs). The paradigm of societal uses protected by biometric identification (ID) – from national security and controlled access, to health care, banking and leisure – requires coming up with ...
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"Extensive clinical and epidemiological data clearly shows that chronic periodontal disease (PD), the most prevalent infectious inflammatory disease of mankind, is strongly linked to systemic inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) , rheumatoid arthritis (RA) , and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) . Taking into account that up to 30% of the adult population worldwid ...
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DEEP Extended Reach (DEEP-ER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The proposed project DEEP-ER (DEEP-Extended Reach) addresses two significant Exascale challenges: the growing gap between I/O bandwidth and compute speed, and the need to significantly improve system resiliency. DEEP-ER will extend the Cluster-Booster architecture of the Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform (DEEP) project by a highly scalable I/O system and will implement an efficient mechanism to re ...
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The project aims to deal with the numerous requirements of facade panel retrofitting by developing a light-weight, durable, cost effective and high performance panel. Its layered structure allows for separate but also synergistic function regarding high thermal and acoustic insulation, excellent mechanical properties, up to standards flame retardancy and photocatalytic activity. Employing nanofill ...
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"COALINE will develop a in-line clean one-stage process, which is free of VOCs and small particles emissions, able to produce properly coated composite pultruded profiles by means of the development of the sensing technology, advanced mould design and microwave aided curing needed to foster an improved composite – coating adhesion with a reduced labor and process cost. COALINE profiles will be joi ...
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The production and installation of resilient flooring in public and private buildings is a major business in Europe involving various sectors including material and coating production, designers, architects, installers, cleaners as well as the end-users. The main requirements are: durability, ease of installation, optical appearance, ease of cleaning and low cost maintenance.On the other hand slip ...
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WALiD will combine design, material and process developments using thermoplastic materials to create cost-efficient, lightweight and recyclable blades which will be demonstrated by industrial end-users. The power generated by off-shore wind turbines is proportional to the rotor plane area of the blade. However, the weight of large blades puts the materials used under considerable strain, leading t ...
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Cell-based screenings are today a necessary tool for all types of clinical development and/or market approval of new drugs and chemicals. The major change in the last decade is a shift towards more physiologically relevant yet complex and sensitive cell models, like stem cells, and more recently, the shift to human induced pluripotent cells. Stem-cell technology has the potential to revolutionize ...
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The BabyLux project aims to provide a precise, accurate and robust integrated system to continuously monitoring cerebral oxygen metabolism and blood flow in critically ill newborn babies. Over the last two decades, the percentage of preterm births in the Western hemisphere rose by 20%. During early stages of brain development, injury from lack of blood flow and oxygen delivery may induce cognitive ...
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Description User InterACTION Aware Content Generation and Distribution for Next Generation Social TeleVisionACTION-TV proposes an innovative mode of user interaction for broadcasting to relax the rigid and passive nature of present broadcasting ecosystems. It has two key aims: (i) a group of users can take part in TV shows providing a sen ...
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Multi-rate, multi-format and multi-reach operation of optical transceivers is important, but it is not enough for next generation terabit products. What is still missing to make these products viable is a solution for the flexible control of this enormous capacity at the optical layer and its distribution among a number of independent optical flows. PANTHER aims to provide this solution and develo ...
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SENSIndoor aims at the development of novel nanotechnology based intelligent sensor systems for selective monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) for demand controlled ventilation in indoor environments. Greatly reduced energy consumption without adverse health effects caused by the Sick Building Syndrome requires optimized ventilation schemes adapted to specific application scenarios like ...
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European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells (EBISC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

EBiSC is designed to address the increasing demand by iPSC researchers for quality-controlled, disease-relevant research grade iPSC lines, data and cell services. Its goal is to demonstrate an operational banking and distribution service of iPSC lines after 3 years and to establish subsequently for Europe a centralised, not-for-profit bank providing all qualified users with access to scalable, cos ...
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"The overall objective is the development of new coatings for supercritical steam power plants for efficient and clean coal utilization. A significant reduction of emissions is expected by increasing efficiencies to ŋ > 50%. Currently, an efficiencies of 45% have been achieved in the last 30 years from subcritical 180 bar/540ºC to ultra-supercritical 300 bar/600-620ºC corresponding to a specific ...
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The building envelope (roof, façade and basements) is the key element to address in order to achieve the energy efficiency in the retrofitting of buildings, where the façade represent the largest part of the heat transmission surface and includes a number of critical components (like windows, balconies, ventilation units,etc) and thermal bridge phenomena.The present project aims to develop an ener ...
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"The DREAMS Initial Training Network will investigate the problem of modeling, controlling, removing, and synthesizing acoustic reverberation with the aim of enhancing the quality and intelligibility of audio, music, and speech signals. The proposed research and training program builds upon four disciplines that are equally important in understanding and tackling the (de-)reverberation problem: ro ...
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"Electrical and electronic (EE) applications – including housings, wire and cable, and internals such as connectors– are the largest market for flame retardants (FR) in plastics globally. The need for flame retardancy is increasing due to electronics miniaturization and higher temperatures in both processing and use. PHOENIX project is an ambitious multidisciplinary innovative threefold approach t ...
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While most of programmable network gear vendors support OpenFlow nowadays, a number of fragmented control plane solutions exist for proprietary software-defined networks. Thus, network applications developers need to re-code their solutions every time they target a network infrastructure based on a different controller. Moreover, different network developers adopt different solutions as abstract c ...
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