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PeRceptually Optimised VIdeo compreSION (PROVISION)
Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Around 50% of the human brain is dedicated to vision processing. This perhaps explains our capacity to be entertained, challenged and informed by visual information. Video technology is now pervasive, with mobile video, terrestrial and satellite HDTV, Blu-ray players, digital cameras, video telephony, multimedia messaging, video conferencing and surveillance all underpinned by efficient signal representations. It is therefore a very exciting and challenging time for video compression – the need for technical advances, and for the highly skilled researchers to deliver them, has never been greater!The main aim of PROVISION is to provide the highest level of training in video compression and transferable skills to our researcher team, with the ultimate goal of delivering transformational research, innovative technology and new international standards. Training activities will be conducted in the context of a high-level European research collaboration between some of the leading and most appropriate universities, research institutes, companies and end-user enterprises in Europe. The trained researchers will have significant competitive advantages in securing better jobs in academia or industry, and will be prepared as leaders in the development and uptake of this technology.Technical and management activities will be complemented by an integrated training programme. This will provide a broader scientific education for our team and will help to produce a new generation of researchers equipped with the interdisciplinary and transferrable skills needed by industry and academia. PROVISION’s training objectives will thus be delivered via:i) Permanent training of ESRs and ERs during their individual projects (supervised by two full partners and advised by one associated partner through internships),ii) knowledge-exchange through distributed shared platforms,iii) complementary schooling of ESRs and ERs through network activities and at specific training hubs.

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