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16 European Projects Found

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Incipit: It begins!

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The “Incipit: it begins!" project is aimed at all youngsters willing to get involved in a volunteer project. It will give the opportunity to 29 youngsters to get involved to various organizations and to implement diverse activities based on their personal interests and expectations regarding their long-term projects.This project is aligned with the actions leaded by ADICE for more of 15 years, giv ...
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Rückenwind for all 2015/16

Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2017,

This proposal is the result of our daily work and our target group needs. It is all about youth, especially youth with fewer opportunities. For all in the past our mobilities have been a turning point for better. For much better! We are tempted to say, we are saving lives! But we have to support more, much more! For this application the seminar we have had in December in Austria was another start ...
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Creating ConneXNs: viewing art in Youth Work

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

This seminar will connect youth workers/ professionals working with youth from across Europe and cultural practitioners to explores the theme of 'art' in Youth Work. The seminar will address the complexities of creating, participating and viewing art within the youth work environment. It will provide and develop strategies, solutions and discussions as well as supporting workers to seek new ways t ...
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Act, be Involved, Move : competencies

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The project "AIM: competencies" plans for the departure of 30 youngsters in long-term EVS (from 6 to 12 months), 21 in the programme countries and 9 in the partner countries of the European Union. 15 partners, from France, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Italy, Turkey, Albania, Spain, Algeria, Poland, Tunisia and Hungary will work together to implement this project. Volunteers participating in the p ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"Milestones" was a European partner meeting with a difference. It was designed to deliver significant and sustainable practical benefits to ourselves and our partners from other Programme countries, in terms of evaluation, process review, knowledge sharing, and forward planning. At the same time it aimed to set an example of good practice in youth participation, empowerment and equal opportunity. ...
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Training-Action: The Intercultural Mode of Expression (IMOE)

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

Organised in the training activities of the youth workers professional group "ornais", this action training course is build around cutural expression ways by serve intercultural meating. 23 youth structures are implicated from europe and also meda countries from november 22 to 30 in LA LAcelle , Basse Normandie Orne department (61). Participants are all professional youth workers, in pedagogic rel ...
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Responsible Citizenship - Civic Volunteering

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Project “Responsible citizenship - TC on Civic Volunteering” is dedicated for youth workers, people who work with young volunteers professionally or voluntarily and people working in NGOs - or want to start such a cooperation like police- or firemen to involve young people in to the civic society through volunteering. Another target group is retired policemen, firemen and people who would like t ...
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MAVEN - "An expert, especially as regards knowledge through networked information"The MAVEN project brings together a range of partners with a common background in direct support for minorities and migrants. All of us have developed a strong skills base, through provision of training, intercultural work, welfare and/or family support, at the local and the transnational level. Thanks to this experi ...
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Le projet " Quartiers en crise, jeunesses en mouvement " permettra à 64 jeunes en fonction de leurs motivations et capacités de partir dans des projets de 3 semaines à 9 mois chez 22 associations partenaires, dans l'Union Européenne, les pays voisins et le reste du monde.- Ils pourront s'expérimenter ainsi sur des activités sociales, culturelles et d'animation.Destiné à des jeunes habitants de qua ...
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Youth Participation in Volunteering

Start date: Sep 5, 2011,

This project seminar was held in Malta and will focused on how youth workers and youth leaders can motivate young people in volunteering. Young people from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey, Hungary and Malta shared experiences and good practices of volunteering and also studied and reflected on how they can become better in enabling young people to participate as volunteers. The seminar took ...
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YOG 2012 EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The Youth Winter Olympic Games is the one of the biggest sport events in the world. 1,058 young athletes aged between 14 and 18 fpm over Ş0 different nations will compete in all Olympic disciplines. The venues of the the games are Innsbruck, Seefeld and Kühtai.This international widely acknowleged and important sport event is attracting a lót of people, both behind the scenes on the professional l ...
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Ruckenwind in the Hyères

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

Veuillez fournir une brève description de votre projet (10 à 15 lignes environ). Veuillez prendre en considération le fait que si votre projet venait à être accepté, ce paragraphe pourrait être utilisé dans le cadre d'une publication. Pour cette raison, nous vous demandons d'être précis et de mentionner les lieux, le type de SVE de votre projet, les thèmes, les objectifs, la durée du(des) Service( ...
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Stars Up Stars Down

Start date: Apr 1, 2013,

The Youth Exchange "Stars Up Stars Down" was focusing on the cultural diversity by exploring how STARS are influencing our cultures. We brought together 35 young people from Lithuania, Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia and Latvia to Daugirdiskes, Lithuania for the 8 days exchange in July 2013. The main aim of this exchange was to understand how STARS are influencing our lives. By the stars we mean phy ...
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Y-MoDE aims at motivating young people to feel a sense of European belonging by creating a constructive dialogue with their peers and with local disadvantaged communities in Palermo. The volunteers’ active involvement will be achieved through a double-edged metaphorical sword swung to defeat European skepticism by approaching the following themes: European awareness; fight against discrimination ...
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