European Projects
Incipit: It begins!
Incipit: It begins!
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2018
The “Incipit: it begins!" project is aimed at all youngsters willing to get involved in a volunteer project. It will give the opportunity to 29 youngsters to get involved to various organizations and to implement diverse activities based on their personal interests and expectations regarding their long-term projects.This project is aligned with the actions leaded by ADICE for more of 15 years, giving mobility opportunities to all, including the youngster with fewer opportunities, and considering these abroad experiences as a means of integration, mixity and promotion for everyone.For this project, ADICE get closer to partners from 11 different countries : Spain (Ayuntamiento de Fromista and EDUCERE), Italy ' Associazione Culturale ARCIStrauss), Bulgaria (FOCUS), Greece (KANE), Croatia (HELP), Poland (Bona Fides and Piaskowy Smok), Sweden (Hastekasen Gard Forening), Hungary (Fekete Sereg), Armenia (APY and Youth Events Holding Center), Jordan (Leaders Of Life), Georgia (GYE and ISCR) and Macedonia (CID).All these partners are commited to a Receiving organization role and will propose to ADICE's participants activities in diverse fields (Culture and Arts, Social, Communication, Environment, Events, Education, Citizenship, etc.) corresponding to the expectations and to the needs from each volunteer. The mobilities will last between 2 months (6 short term EVS) and 12 months.An Advanced Planning Visit with the greek partner KANE will make possible to adapt optimally the preparation of the reinforced mentorship for the short term EVS.On the other hand, ADICE will assume a double role as Coordinating Organization and as Sending Organization. Each participant of the project "Incipit: it begins!) will receive ADICE's support and tools developped for more of 15 years to maximize the quality of the mobility projects and to make the abroad experience an incubator for their future plans.The aims of the project "Incipit: it begins!" are : - Giving access to volunteering opportunities to all youngsters (especially to youngsters with fewer opportunities);- Fostering the acquisition, development and capitalization of personal, professional and social skills of participants;- Facilitating the integration of the young volunteers after their return (enrolment in studies or a new training, finding a job, conducting a personal project, undertaking a new mobility project abroad such as an internship or a Civil Service …);- Networking European partners for the exchange of good practices, tools and methodologies regarding the support to and the inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities;- Experimentation of new tools to support the participants before, during and after thir mobility;- Promoting European programmes and mobility opportunities;- Valuing European commitment and citizenship.The planned activities will thus ensure the long-term impact of the NOVA project:For its participants, the project will especially enable them to develop and strengthen personal, professional and social skills in order to facilitate their integration after their return, whether by helping them finding a job, getting enrolled in a new training, conducting their personal project or preparing a new international mobility.For ADICE and for all the partners, the project "Incipit: it begins!" will continue to strengthen and develop its European network. The exchange of good practices and tools will help each partner improving the quality of its method. By addressing issues encountered by each partner’s target group, the NOVA project will also enable involved organizations to adapt to new target groups.Finally, each local community hosting a volunteer in the context of the project will benefit from their involvement and from intercultural exchanges, while learning more about mobility opportunities offered by the European Union.