Margit Kinyik
Sociology and Economic Research
Digital Agenda for Europe
Apr 1, 2024
About Me
Margit is a senior expert of Sociology with a 20+ years of work experience. Experienced in research, digital skills & competences development, monitoring & evaluation, quality assurance and project management. Prior to becoming a freelance expert in 2012, she had spent 13 years in the non-profit sector. As a consultant, I am interested in contributing to international projects and also open to explore new fields.
Key Qualifications:
- Non-profit organisation management and project management
- International project management (EC projects)
- Sociological research (quantitative and qualitative, psychometric research)
- Academic activities (lecturing, publishing, academic writing)
- Monitoring & Evaluation of international projects (design and implementation of internal/external project evaluation based on OECD/DAC criteria, deliverable review, risk management, data management based on GDPR).
- Monitoring & Evaluation of national projects (in Hungary) and assessment of proposals (on-site monitoring / assessment of proposals related to employability)
- Quality Assurance of international projects (setting up and evaluating quality indicators, quality management, quality review of outputs and outcomes).
Key Sectors of Expertise:
- Mapping and pilot research of digital skills & competences based on DigDomp Framework, identifying and understanding digital skills needed to different areas of life, developing and evaluating (online) self-assessment tools based on DigComp Framework.
- Enhancing social inclusion and employment by the improvement of digital skills & competences, creating and evaluating e-learning training materials and platforms.
- E-care (innovation of social services with ICTs) and enhancing the quality of life of older people.
- Decentralisation of social services and innovative social services (enhancing ‘contracting out’ social services by NGOs in Hungary through research and training programmes).
- Capacity building of Civil Society Organisations (policy-making, active citizenship, e-participation, voluntary work, social economy) through research, publications and innovative projects.
Fields of Expertise:
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Ideas in Progress
Project Development
Project Planning
International Project Management
Academic Writing
Sociology and Economic Research
With 15+ years of research, open to undertake research tasks in international projects related to digital skills development, social development (especially social services) and CSO sector development. At the EU level, she participated as a researcher in Europe for Citizens, ICT-PSP, Erasmus+ and Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programmes and programmes announced by EC Joint Research Centre (J...
Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2 months ago
2 months ago
Social Affaires and Inclusion
International Cooperation
Digital Agenda for Europe
Europe for Citizens
International Project Management
5+ years experiences with internal monitoring & evaluation of international projects. Quality assurance is a key and obligatory element of EC projects.
Undertaking M&E and quality assurance tasks, covering:
- M&E plans
- Monitoring project performance, including the management
- Formative and summative tools to assess international projec...
Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2 months ago
2 months ago
Social Innovation
International Cooperation
Digital Agenda for Europe
EU Strategy Danube Region
Europe for Citizens
European social fund (ESF)
Project Development
Project Planning
International Project Management
Based on DigComp Framework (EC Joint Research Centre), improving digital skills and competences of various social groups with low level of digital skills, working out skills assessment instruments and services improving these skills. Awareness raising in the digital environment. Identification of required digital skills in different jobs related primarily to social services. Looking for fi...
Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2 months ago
2 months ago
Digital Agenda for Europe
Interregional cooperation
Project Management
Interested in international projects across the EU or the narrower Central-Eastern European Region, that focusing on:
- the digital agenda (DigComp Framework and its application), training programmes and social inclusion;
- sociological research;
- social inclusion with the participation of NGOs, capacity building of NGOs and social economy;
- project man...
Nyíregyháza, Hungary
11 months ago
11 months ago
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