Technical University of Kosice, Department of Languages
Looking for Partnership
I am an enthusiastic English language teacher working at Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. I teach professional English and ESP (Business, Aviation, Tourism, etc.) at the Department of Languages and its language school. I obtained my PhD degree at University of Presov in Presov, Slovakia, as an external doctoral student in the field of General Linguistics. I have been participating in various EU projects focusing on employment, entrepreneurship, and translation. I am also one of two main administrators of Language school at the Department of Languages, Technical University of Kosice.
The Department of Languages at Technical University of Kosice is an all-university department providing foreign language tuition for all the University faculties, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling, Faculty of Aeronautics, etc. Technical University of Kosice is one of the leading universities in Slovakia residing in Kosice, the second biggest city in the country. Our beautiful city is listed in New York Times´ “Top Places to Go in 2019“ in the top 20.
Our Department has a team of skillful university teachers experienced in teaching English, Russian, Slovak, German, and French languages to young adult university students aged 17-23 (and older external students). We are also experienced in European projects in various fields. We are willing and able to contribute to your projects as a partner preferably in the areas of language education (esp. vocational language, teaching adults) in connection with tourism, economy, business, IT, media, machinery, metallurgy, mining, electronics, soft skills, employability, literacy, digital skills, integration of foreign students, etc. The Department has already coordinated or participated in various European projects with successful results ( and Our latest projects were Falinar: focused on e-learning and tourism; and Talented Europe: focused on creating e-platform and smartphone app to increase employability of the youth. Our PIC is 999839238.
In case you are interested in our cooperation or require any further information, please do not hesitate and contact me on my e-mail:
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Education and Training
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European Union
6 years ago
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