
 Low-Carbon Economy
 Business Management

: Jun 6, 2016

About Me

Mr Chrysafidis, is a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters Degree in Business Administration.

In the private sector he has worked as a Business Manager, as Technical Office owner and contractor of Public Works.

In the public sector he has worked as Mechanical Engineer,  on EU Programmes and as Environmental engineer. He was the coordinator for the Covenant of Mayors initiative for the Municipality of Larissa and the Municipal Partner Coordinator of two (2) EU Intelligent Energy for Europe proposals.

As a Seconded National Expert to EU Commission, he served as Policy Officer for  Directive 97/68/EC - Non Road Mobile Machinery - at DG ENTR and contributed, among others,  to the drafting of two (2) amendments to the directive and of one  (1) major Impact Assessment and represented EU Commission to UNECE, Working Groups and other Internal and International fora.

From 2012 he permanently lives and works in Brussels as a consultant for ProDessus, dealing with issues related to the Directive, monitoring and reporting on EU Parliament ENVI, TRAN, ITRE Committees proceedings, with Renewable Energy Sources studies and other related environmental protection issues including water and waste management.

He is an External Evaluator of COST Actions (proposals) and an expert in DG REGIO relevant list.

He is the Manager of the relevant Non Road Mobile Machinery Group at LinkedIn' and is a Member of the European Network of Environmental Professionals (ENEP)

Fields of Expertise:

 Enterprise and Industry
 Energy Efficiency
 Renewable Energy
 Regional Policy
 Automotive Industries
 Project Development
 Environmental Law
 Policy Evaluation and Governance

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