ZAUG gGmbH, Heiko Bennewitz
Looking for Partnership
The Centre for Work and Environment Giessen (ZAUG gGmbH) is a non-profit making vocational training company and education provider founded in 1988 and has currently 143 employees. ZAUG-shareholders are the Giessen county council and the community councils of all town councils belonging to the Giessen community. ZAUG offers vocational training opportunities, qualification and employment opportunities for youth and adults living in the city and county of Giessen within the frame of support programmes that aim for reintegration in the labour market.
Facing the challenge of fighting against unemployment and people living of welfare, our non-profit organisation offers educational and work opportunities for people in need of support. We consider useful work an elementary human need, whereas income supports are mere means of survival. Another elementary need is integration into society. ZAUG is convinced that only a combination of social inclusion and integration into the labour market offers people a viable perspective.
Our expertise in career guidance at ZAUG comprises counselling in the fields of professional qualifications and school degrees, information on the regional labour market and education market, application training including preparation of application documents, job- and general skill profiling as well as their evaluation.
During the last years many supportive projects for migrants and refugees have been developed and also in the county of Giessen we have a broad offer of such projects, six being realized at ZAUG directly at federal, state and municipal level. The aim is to foster necessary skills to prepare the target groups for a changing labour market. In 2017 we had over 700 refugees participating in our projects. These six projects as well as most other supportive services or programmes aim for integration in the employment market of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Summed up key competences of ZAUG are:
- Employment, qualification, prevocational education and orientation
- Apprenticeship, qualification and employment for young people and adults within the framework of special development programs
- Promotion of labour market in order to prevent skilled worker shortage and poverty
- Training young people in our own training workshops
- Additional social pedagogical support and individual advice
- Promoting the socially disadvantaged
- Supporting integration in the labour market and social inclusion of migrants
- Improving the compatibility of family and work
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Capacity Building
Human Resources
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
European social fund (ESF)
Transnational cooperation
Partnership Management
Urban Innovative Actions
Migrants and Refugees
5 years ago
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