Ming Shih
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Ming Shih has developed an AI driven musical instrument teaching approach that is delivered via the internet. It preserves, continues and expands on the classical teaching methods that have been in use for centuries. AI allows us to collect data on learning progress in order to fine tune and personalise the learning process for large numbers of students.
We have set up a complete teaching support system that can help students develop their skills from the first time they pick up an instrument right through to a performing career.
Ming Shih also aims to bring performances to audiences worldwide through the organisation of festivals, concerts, masterclasses and competitions and to create business and employment opportunities in local communities.
Ming Shih is supported by a large group of musical professors and well known performers from Europe, Asia and the Americas.
We are looking for partners who can help us launch this initiative.
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
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4 years ago
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