AMIF Topic 2 - Intercultural associations as a tool for the social integration of third-country nationals

5 years ago

ZAUG gGmbH, Heiko Bennewitz

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

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ZAUG gGmbH is a NGO in Giessen/Germany with public local shareholders exclusively. We offer training, guidance and community work for refugees.

We would like to develop and implement a model for an intercultural association that has migrants and non-migrants as members and develops need-based offers for social integration and implements them on its own or in strong cooperation partnership with other organisations (see the attachment).

We are looking for a partnership in which the partners either (1) also want to develop and implement associations as an instrument or (2) want to develop other instruments to improve the social integration of third country nationals.

 Capacity Building
 Human Resources
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
 European social fund (ESF)
 Transnational cooperation
 Partnership Management
 Urban Innovative Actions
 Migrants and Refugees

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