Ricardo Salgado
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Ricardo Salgado (RS) completed the PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in 2011 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a MSc in Ecology in 2004 at University of Lisbon, a MSc in Aquaculture in 2017 at Universidad de Huelva. Currently, RS is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), coordinates the courses in Environmental Engineering since 2012 and in Environmental and Marine Technologies since 2016 at IPS and a researcher at LAQV/REQUIMTE research center, at the University NOVA of Lisbon. Since 2006, RS has participated in 6 projects. Coordinator and responsible for 4 successful projects and team member of 2 project. RS published 18 conference papers (since 2007) and 13 papers (since 2010), 6 as first author, 4 as second and 3 last author, in international peer reviewed journals (most in the first quartile of different categories), 2 book chapter, organized 6 scientific events and participate in other 4 events. Reviewer of Top journals in the area: Water research, Science of Total Environment, Environmental Science Pollution Research, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety and Environmental Pollution. In their professional and research activities interacted with 81 collaborator co-authorship of scientific papers. RS has also been engaged in mentoring. Since 2004 supervised 3 MSc thesis and co-supervised 1 MSc thesis and 56 of undergraduate courses thesis. Since 2012, RS was a member of the jury of 4 MSc and 2 PhD thesis. RS has made significant efforts to promote dissemination of science, developing environmental activities, publishing articles in newspapers and giving public speeches as invited speaker. In 2019, he was awarded the Embaixador de Setúbal for his commitment in oyster aquaculture production promotion.