Clara Amaro
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Knowledgebiz (KBZ) is an IT technology provider that develops products and services in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, Big Data Analytics, systems interoperability and web and mobile applications, for different sectors, namely tourism and smart cities. Innovation is a core of KBZ mission, being the advanced products the result of technologies developed inhouse or with our R&D partners, aimed to be successfully transferred to our clients, guarantying the higher quality and satisfaction levels. KBZ success is enhanced by the participation in European projects for within the scope of digital innovation, with several European partners from different sectors and countries, nurturing a rich and diverse ecosystem. The KBZ partners network include several Universities and R&D Centres (e.g. UNINOVA, Portugal, Univ Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, CERTH, Greece), industry and government bodies.
Knowledgebiz team has advanced expertise in Science, Technology and Engineering, with solid academic background and research skills. This is backed up with large experience in Management, Innovation, Technology Transfer, Valorisation and Exploitation, which expertise is a determining factor in research and development (R&D), and it is critical to design and pilot innovative solutions and products.
We are looking for Calls for research, development and innovation activities and for small prof of concept or and demonstrator activities that will allow us to develop new products and services and to be able to test and validated them, aiming to consolidate KBZ market and to evaluate our expansion to new sectors.