Andalusian Networks of Municipalities for International Solidarity
The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity, FAMSI, is the entity that articulates, promotes and coordinates the work of Andalusian local governments in a network of cooperation and local and global action.
For FAMSI, people are at the centre of all initiatives; it is not possible to talk about development or sustainability in a social context where economic imbalances prevent access to health, education, sustainable and green basic supplies, or are an obstacle to the improvement of living conditions.
FAMSI promotes the exchange of good practices and the generation of knowledge, and links with international and multilateral networks whose action is based on promoting, from the public interest and with a territorial approach, the objectives of social, environmental and economic sustainability set out in the major international consensuses, especially the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda.
From the experiences of our territories, we investigate models of coexistence based on reducing the impact on the planet, we consider that the local space allows innovation and the search for versatile, adapted and realistic solutions to respond to the successive global changes that are transferred to the streets of our municipalities and cities. For this reason, the areas of work that we address have a direct relationship with the local reality, and for this reason, we seek answers by linking the action of Andalusian local governments with those of other countries and contexts, or with entities that represent or group them together.
In this sense, weaving networks of local governments and entities, inside and outside our region, allows:
the exchange of experiences and collaborative learning.
Collective reflection to provide local responses to global realities.
Improving the global advocacy capacity of local governments.